23 Rehabilitation: Meeting the Professor (1/2)

Killer Instinct Sir_Mystera 32570K 2022-07-21

”Karma! You are alright!” Shirohana said excitedly when Karma entered.

”Yeah. Sorry for worrying you,” Karma replied, smiling.

Shirohana got up from her bed and went to Karma.

”Wait, Shirohana,” Karma said. ”Are you sure you should be walking?”

”You sure are kind,” Shirohana said with a smile. ”Even though you are more injured than I am, you still worry about me. After resting for a long time, the doctor said I was allowed to walk around to work my walking muscles.”

”That's good,” Karma said, relieved.

”Are you feeling better?” Shirohana asked.

”Aside from small shocks of pain and not really being able to walk, I'm feeling alright,” Karma replied.

”I'm glad,” Shirohana said. ”I was so worried. You were injured badly and I was scared you would not wake up again.”

Then Shirohana turned to the maid.

”Could you please bring some tea for us? Rosemary Tea, if you can,” Shirohana said to the maid. The maid obliged and bowed before leaving the room.

”I'm sorry, Shirohana,” Karma said after the maid had left.

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”For what?” Shirohana asked, confused.

”Well, about last week's incident and also the many incidents before,” Karma replied. ” If it weren't for me, you would have lived a normal life, away from all the danger.”

Shirohana, upon hearing this, grew a little mad.

”Don't blame yourself for all those incidents!” Shirohana shouted.

”Shirohana...?” Karma asked, taken aback by Shirohana's outburst. Shirohana then held Karma's hands together.

”It isn't your fault. It isn't anyone's fault except the ones that did this to you,” Shirohana said with a kind voice. ”Besides, I wanted to help you. You saved me several times and I haven't been able to repay you. I'm weak. I can't do anything but watch and hope that you or anyone else I care about will be okay. So let me do what I can to help you.”

”You're not weak!” Karma said. ”Even though you aren't able to help directly, you still try to help in your way. I'm a coward. If I see someone get hurt, I just walk away, only trying to keep myself safe.”

”That's not true. You could have left me on the ground after that incident with the men hitting on me. You could have left me to get hit by a car when I fell on the crosswalk and sprained my ankle. You could have let that killer that Josh hired hit me. But you didn't. You saved me from each of these situations, ” Shirohana said.

”I...,” Karma began. But he stopped. He didn't know why he was doing this much for a girl he had only met. He had saved her despite the danger to his own life. It was if like he had to save her even if it meant he might get hurt, a feeling that he had not felt before meeting Shirohana.

”I... I just felt I needed to. I don't really know myself,” Karma said. ”Still, I did try to hurt you in that small warehouse in the park when you tried to stop me from stabbing a man in the eyes. What if that happened again?”

”Then I will do what I can so that you can stay as who you are now,” Shirohana said, smiling.

Karma could feel the warmth in her voice. She was serious. He realized he was no longer alone. After long years of suffering, he finally had someone that cared about him. Someone who wanted to help him and be by his side.

The moment was interrupted by a knock on the door. It was the maid that went to get tea for Karma and Shirohana.

”Excuse me, Young Mistress and Mister Karma. Your Rosemary tea is ready,” the maid said.Then she chuckled when she saw Shirohana holding Karma's hands. ”I hope I'm not interrupting anything.”

Shirohana blushed and quickly let go of Karma's hands. Karma also was embrassed. He looked down to avoid eye contact with Shirohana or the maid.

The maid laid the teapot, two teacups, and a plate of cookies on the table. She wheeled Karma to the table, then pulled out the chair for Shirohana. She then poured the tea in the cups. The amora filled the air and made Karma and Shirohana forget about that little incident.

”This tea smells so good,” Karma said, carefully taking in the smell.

”And it's quite delicious,” Shirohana added. ”No matter how many times I drink this, I can never get bored of it.”

”I'll leave you two to enjoy the tea,” the maid said. She bowed and left the room.

Karma and Shirohana both took a sip of the tea. It was very calming. All the negative feelings that dwelled from within Karma was quelled by the tea's magnificent scent and taste.