48 Chapter 48 All Gathering (1/2)

Nearly one morning, Carl spent a lot of effort and finally convinced the Warring States with his three-inch tongue.

In the end, the Warring States had no choice but to agree to Karl's request, which was not an excessive request.

And what Carl said was wrong. Instead of making Anilu a potential enemy of the navy, it was better to bring him into the group.

In this way, it can not only increase the strength of the navy, but also reduce the pressure on yourself, why not do it.

And for the identity of Ainilu, just follow the identity of the last trainee boatman.

This will neither cause suspicion nor hinder Karl's going to sea, which is very easy for the Warring States period.

All the preparations Carl did were seamless, except for the blurred background of Anilu.

There are no loopholes, so the Warring States has nothing to do. They can only agree to Karl and let Ainilu join his team.

However, regarding Ainilu's background identity, the Warring States Period said that he would insert it to the end, but Karl did not care.

Anyway, no matter how you check the Warring States period, you will never find out that Ainilu will be the god of the sky island.

And even if he could find it, it would be hard to get off by then, and it would be impossible for the Warring States Period to recognize the identity of the Ainilu Navy.

Karl blocked all the roads, which made the Warring States very uncomfortable.

As for how he will deal with the questioning of the five old stars next, this is his own business, and Karl doesn't care.

Although the five old stars pay attention to himself, Carl is very clear that he is not qualified to talk directly with the five old stars.

The middleman of the Warring States Period was the most unlucky one.

After lunch, it was time for the team members to gather.

Carl hid from the side and appeared last deliberately, just to see how these people reacted.

When six people in navy uniforms appeared at the assembly point, they all turned their eyes to the only Ainilu who was not wearing a navy uniform.

”Anilu, where is the uniform I gave you this morning?”

Kuroba frowned, wondering why Ainilu didn't wear a uniform.

”That thing is too strenuous, I'm still so comfortable, and I'm not losing face to you.”

Anillu pointed to his injured navy cloak, then draped it behind him.

Seeing him like this, Melinda Nilu frowned slightly and looked a little unhappy.

”You are not the navy after all, you do not respect the uniform of the navy a bit too much!”

”Yehahahahaha, let's not say it so serious. My God doesn't mean disrespect. There are so many powerful naval forces. These are all my goals to defeat in the future!

As for the few of you, they are not qualified enough to teach the gods, wait until the bastard Carl comes over!”

Anilu still goes his own way, not paying attention to other people's eyes at all.

And when he called Carl, he also deliberately increased the pronunciation of the word ”jerk”.

This made the people around, even Kuroba, a little unhappy.

”He is not a navy!”

Just when everyone was very upset at Ainilu, the man with stubble beside him kept silent and spoke.

”How would you know?”

Anilu was not a navy business, and Kuroba knew it, so she seemed a little surprised.

But the man just shook his head and pointed to his eyes.

”I never forget, and I have seen all navies in the navy headquarters, but I have never seen him!”

”Okay! You are not the navy, but you still come in. What is your purpose!”

Melinda Nilu was initially unhappy with Anilu, but now that he is not a navy, she is even more angry.