482 Chapter 56: Fierce Fighting Boss (1/2)

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for ”Crossing from Fairy Tail to Search Novels ()”!Due to the blue fire, the originally dim BOSS room lit up with a weird blue light, but weirdly, in the entire room, the four figures of Zifeng, Tongzi, Argo and Asuna, and the Outside of the huge black shadow at the end of the channel formed by the underworld, no other creatures existed.


A yin cry like a mad cow suddenly came from the huge black shadow, and then two scarlet lights lit up on the top of the huge black shadow.

”It seems that that is the boss, be careful!”

Perceiving the vision in the room, Zi Feng's face became more solemn, and just as Zi Feng's voice fell, the entire ground vibrated abruptly.

With the continuous shaking of the ground, the huge black shadow finally revealed his figure. What caught the eye was a tauren wearing a golden armor and holding a double axe. This tauren is initially estimated to be about 8 meters tall. It looks terrifying.

Seeing this huge tauren, Kiriko, Argo and Asuna's pupils shrank suddenly.

”This is...what...big!”

At this time, Zifeng could not help but tremble when he saw this huge tauren, but Zifeng knew that these were just psychological reactions. He saw the natural depression caused by monsters that were much taller than him. In fact, this tauren The attributes are not much different from Zifeng.


Just when Zifeng and others were stunned, the huge tauren's nose suddenly spewed out a burst of airflow. Although this was only in the game, Zifeng and others could clearly feel the truth from the airflow. temperature.

”Come on! Argo, defense!”

Seeing the appearance of the tauren, Zifeng was the first to react, and hurriedly shouted, but when he heard Zifeng's voice, Argo didn't hesitate at all, a burst of emerald light suddenly lit up on the escape of his left hand. Rushed towards the tauren.

But at this moment, the huge body of the tauren began to move quickly, and it was just a blink of an eye to meet the tauren in the sprint.


In Argo's soft voice, the tauren raised the giant axe in his hand and slashed towards Argo. However, after the axe slashed on Argo's shield, he couldn't move anymore.


Feeling the tremendous power from the shield, Argo could not help being surprised. With the continuous improvement of his level, Argo's personal attributes also continued to grow, especially the strength attributes.

In SAO, character attributes are divided into five categories: strength, agility, physical strength, reaction, and hunger.

In addition to increasing the strength of the attack, strength can also increase the amount of weight the character can bear.

Agility can increase the character's running speed and attack speed.

Physical strength can increase the character's HP and enhance defense capabilities.

Reaction can increase the dodge ability of character attributes.

As for the hunger and thirst, regardless of the level of the character, the hunger and thirst is only fixed at 100. When the hunger and thirst drops below 50, the character will feel hungry. When the hunger and thirst is cleared, the character will Will die. At the same time, as the hunger and thirst decrease, the character’s strength, agility, physical strength and reaction will be reduced accordingly, so the amount of hunger and thirst is very important in the SAO game. Of course, when the hunger and thirst decrease After that, it is very simple to recover. There is food. After eating a certain amount of food, the character's physical strength will be restored.Ikan Novel Network