Chapter 187 I Will Not Go Back On My Words (1/2)

I Hate You, Devil! KazzenlX 23100K 2022-07-21

That afternoon, Gu Jinyang surprised them all when he told them that they were going to transfer Yu Chen to Central City. They were taken aback by the sudden change of plans but they all immediately followed his orders. As soon as everything was ready, they immediately travelled back to Central City.

Yu Chen was transferred to the country's top hospital without any trouble, along with all his wounded men.

The top floor of the hospital, which were reserved for the VVIP's, was tightly secured. It appeared that old man Yu already prepared everything and had already set up a flawless security system before they even arrived.

When everything had settled down, old man Yu, Gu Jinyang, Juu and Kyuu, Zhuo Yuan and Luo Xiaolei were left inside Yu Chen's suite-like room.

The old man had been standing there, watching his grandson silently when Yang Jin entered. He asked Luo Xiaolei to go with him for another thorough check-up which she almost declined, if not for old man Yu telling her to go.

When Luo Xiaolei and Yang Jin returned, the old man was alone with Yu Chen inside the room.

”Is everything alright?” he asked as he faced Luo Xiaolei. He looked worried.

”I'm perfectly fine, Mr. Yu, so please don't worry about me.” Luo Xiaolei assured and the old man sighed in great relief as he weakly sat on the chair beside Yu Chen's bed.

”I'm glad. Xiaolei now that my grandson is like this, what are you planning to do?” the old man asked, causing Luo Xiaolei to look at him in cofusion. ”I'm sorry. I know this is not the right time to ask you this but I don't think I still have the luxury to wait. I'm sure the enemies already found out about Xiao Chen. They will surely start to attack me this time. I could die at any moment, if not by the enemy's hand, probably through a heart attack or something ”

”Sir please don't ” Yang Jin tried to interrupt but the old man raised his hand and gestured for him to shut up before he continued talking to Xiaolei again.

”Honestly, I'm already feeling that my body won't last much longer. If this punk grandson of mine won't wake up any time soon, I might not even be around anymore if or when he does,” he uttered. His voice was sad and weak as he turned his gaze to his sleeping grandson.

”Please don't worry, Mr. Yu, Yu Chen will wake up very soon. I know he will so please don't say things like that. Yu Chen won't be happy if you weren't around anymore when he wakes up. You must be there when he wakes up, sir.” Xiaolei's face was troubled as she held the old man's hand.

Somehow, her gentleness and care and the reassurance in her eyes made the old man feel soothed.

”My dear Xiaolei, I am really glad that Xiao Chen found you.” he said, smiling at her emotionally. ”But I'm really old now. All I wish is for my grandson to have a peaceful life but it seems like fate is always cruel to him. He has always been so unfortunate since he was young. No matter what I do, it seems like I always failed to protect him.”

The old man was so crestfallen that Xiaolei felt her heart squeezing as she looked at him.