Chapter 1194 (1/2)

Fatal Shot Shi Yao 38270K 2022-07-21

Under the gaze of nearly 100 million war watching players and the personnel of the city of never night.

The position of Jianqi Changhe and Sirius is fixed. The two sides are 100 meters apart. This distance is not far or near. It is fair for Scouts and soldiers!

”I'll go, this Sirius, some exaggeration?”

The little fat man said curiously.

On the battlefield, Sirius, who began to take arrows from the arrow bag, directly grabbed a large number of arrows in his own hands.

The length of these arrows is close to one meter, and the shaft should be made of some kind of alloy with a full diameter of 1cm.

The arrow is not an ordinary alloy arrow at all, but like a special sniper bullet. There is a ”special arrow” with a diameter of 2.5 cm!

If this thing is converted into firearms, it is definitely a ”shell” rather than a bullet from all directions!

”I've been looking forward to this war for a long time!”

Sirius first set up a single, gray arrow tip, coldly aiming at the sword river 100 meters away, with a full sense of war on his face.

”Let's go!”

At the moment when the voice of the president of the guild fell in September, the battle began instantly.


In the hands of Sirius, the epic metal bow of the combination of classical and sci-fi, which has been completely opened, was shocked.

In an instant, a heavy ”arrow gun” turned into a black streamer with a sound similar to a buzzer and flew towards the long river of sword Qi.

”So fast!”

Muzi, standing on the side of the wind, was startled.

The speed of this arrow, which is displayed in the observer's reconnaissance equipment, has reached 400 meters per second, which is indeed faster than some bullets.

Under its own volume and weight, to reach this speed, only from the impact force after hitting, I'm afraid class a sniper bullets can't match.


However, in the face of this, ordinary players can hardly react to the ”arrow gun”.

After the war, the sword spirit of ”charge” was opened, but it seemed to have been expected for a long time.

The body shape driven by power armor moves to the left, explosive sideways!


It has to be said that the speed of sword Qi is as fast as the extreme.

From Sirius's arrow off to flying to his original position, only a few tenths of a second, he has stood two meters away.


The failed ”gun and arrow” hit a tree surrounded by three people, and made a loud noise in an instant. Then a group of air waves with fire energy swept the surrounding three meters in diameter.

”Shit, this arrow can really explode?”

”It should be a compressed miniature spar bomb. Although the explosion range is relatively small, the temperature and damage of the core are very high!”

”I'm afraid it took a lot of money to unlock these arrows of Sirius.”

The players in the city of no night are awe inspiring one by one.

It was originally thought that Sirius used bows and arrows to deliberately ”force”, but now it is no worse than the epic sniper gun with A-level bullets.

Even stronger!


For the failure of the first arrow, Sirius obviously had psychological prediction.

It may even be just a temptation, so his face remains unchanged. The science fiction alloy long bow in his hand has been opened twice since the first arrow.

This time, three arrows were directly hung on it!

”Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!”

Three alloy ”exploding arrows” were shot out at the same time.

When in the air, there was a wave of force on the arrow, and it was connected in an instant.

The three alloy arrows are slightly different in angle after shooting.

According to the calculation of the flight path, when he flies in front of the Jianqi River, which has rushed to a distance of 70 meters, the distance between them will reach about two meters, showing a triangular way to seal his retreat in all directions.

”The seal is sealed, but there is no arrow in the middle. Is this a way of life or a trap?”

A scout player with the identity of foreign aid can analyze the arrow path in an instant by using his talent.

”It must be a trap. Sirius is a very cunning man!”

Night obviously knows something about Sirius.


The sword spirit Changhe and the night made a consistent judgment, facing three alloy arrows that sealed and locked three directions, but left a large gap in the middle.

The long river of sword Qi has no choice at all. In the gap that can be used obviously, the body in the charge of wearing dynamic armor is a step on the ground and jumps up abruptly!

”I'll go. Does this burst arrow have human sensing function?”

Next, the little fat man burst out with some surprised voices.