659 Training The Defensive Sword Spell Part One (1/2)

Training The Defensive Sword Spell (Part One)

Both Ye Chen and Xia Houzun were famous warriors. No matter who lost, it would be a big news once it got out. If one sold this information to the pavilion, one could get at least one thousand top rank spirit stones. After all, not every Sea of Souls Realm warrior could have the wealth like Ye Chen did. Normal Sea of Souls Realm warriors would only have about ten thousand top rank spirit stones. If they wanted to buy some very expensive profound martial art or top rank weapons, then that might only leave them with a couple thousand or hundreds of them left. Therefore, one thousand top rank spirit stones would not be a small number.

It was like even if one had millions of them, one would still not say no to ten thousand spirit stones.

The warrior was afraid that Xia Houzun would see him and look for trouble in the future, so he turned around to leave the mountains without even looking back once.

”I welcome you to challenge me anytime…if you have the determination.” For Ye Chen, no one in the young generation could threaten him anymore. Even if it were Bai Wuxue, who had never revealed his real power, he could not give Ye Chen the feeling of concern. If Xia Houzun wanted to keep looking for him and battling with him, he would not have a problem with that, since he was fairly certain that it would not be him who would be the one giving up eventually. There would be no one out there who would be willing to continue challenging someone one lost to every time. If Xia Houzun was really that determined, then Ye Chen might be wrong about him after all.

”Damn! I will beat you!” Xia Houzun roared, his eyes bloodshot. Right then, he looked like a completely different person than the one competing with Bai Wuxue.

Ye Chen shook his head and turned to leave. When one had everything going the way he wanted, one would be happy and proud of oneself; when one started to fail at things, then one might be too proud to admit it. Only a very small number of people could actually realize it in time. Before, in another world, Ye Chen had seen that rich businessman jump off the building because of bankruptcy. Those people looked so superior and wealthy, which might make one jealous at times; but once the fall was overwhelming, they were even worse than normal people in a way.

Therefore, the biggest opponent was not someone else, but oneself. Even if it were Ye Chen, he would not say that he could keep it cool for sure when he lost to someone. All he could do would be to continuously improve himself and win against himself.

The flying puppet continued to travel as it flew past the mountain regions and arrived in the South Rudra Region.

There were four massive countries inside the South Rudra Region, and ten medium sized nations.

As he flew past the medium nations, his expression changed. He then controlled his flying puppet to fly down, fast like light.

”Martial school battles?”

As he went lower and lower, he could see that there were hundreds of people battling in the mountains below. These people were wearing four different clothing. One group had a massive scorpion sewed at the back of the cloth. There were small snakes on the sleeves of another, and a small sword present on the arm of yet another group. There was a fire pattern on the chest of the last remaining group.

If Ye Chen had guessed it right, the ones with a massive scorpion on their clothes should be warriors from the rank 8 Black Scorpion Martial School, while the ones with small snakes should be the rank 8 Green Snake Valley. The ones with small swords might be the rank 7 Fly Swords martial school. Lastly, those fire patterns might be from the Fire Cloud Martial School.

As the top four martial institutions, while the Black Scorpion Martial School and the Flying Sword were together, the Green Snake Valley and Fire Cloud Martial School were together as well. The two groups of warriors fought aggressively with each other, and people continued to die.

It was Ye Chen's first time seeing a massive battle between martial schools, and it was rather intriguing for him.

”Hm…Spirit Fountain?”

He looked around casually, then finally realized why the four martial schools were fighting. It turned out that the yuan qi on top of the mountains was very rich. Apparently, there was a massive mineral cave somewhere in the mountain. The yuan qi outside had formed into a yuan qi tornado which was about a hundred meters long. It seemed to be controlled by some invisible power which led to yuan qi accumulated for dozens of years.

”It is one of the top low rank spirit fountains…I see.”

The spirit fountain had been separated into low, mid, top, and extreme ranks; each one of them could be split into another four sub-levels. Among the low rank spirit fountains, the bottom one would be a normal one, then there was a mid tier one, a top tier, and an extreme tier.

A normal low rank spirit fountain would be worth enough for rank 8 and 9 martial institutions to use it for ten years. Mid low rank ones could last them twenty years, and a top one would easily trigger two rank 7 martial schools to fight. As for an extreme tier one, once it appeared, then the battle happening right now would happen quite often. After all, every martial institution would want it, even if it meant that they would lose a lot.

In the past fifty years for the Sky Cloud Martial School, the best one that ever appeared was a mid low rank spirit fountain. And even the Ye family had gotten a normal low rank one before as well.

A spirit fountain was just way important to a martial institution. In other words, it would be the foundation of the school. Not everyone in the school would become Ye Chen, traveling on his own, killing opponents, and getting all of their belongings; or exploring ruins and finding treasures. Normal warriors would not be as lucky. They would most likely be killed by their opponents, or just never run into anything.

Therefore, a martial institution was not made by one person, and most of the martial institutions would need spirit fountains to develop. Only with spirit fountains and enough spirit stones would a school be able to pay its disciple. Even the Sky Cloud Martial School would give its outer masters a couple hundreds of low rank spirit stones per month, while inner masters would have thousands, along with couple dozens of mid rank spirit stones. Adding some of the management, core disciples, inner disciples, and outer disciples, the operating cost in low rank spirit stones would be at least one hundred thousand per month, and around two million per year. Ye Chen had given the school countless of them, yet it would only be able to last them a couple of years.

According to Ye Chen, a rank 7 martial institution would not be able to operate without five million low rank spirit stones and two hundred thousand mid rank ones; for top rank 7 schools, it would take at least seven or eight million. As for a rank 6 martial school, the figure would be even greater; without thirty or forty million low rank spirit stones and mid rank ones, it would be the end of them. If they could not even pay out the normal monthly spirit stones, no one would want to stay or join the martial school. It was a sign that the martial institution was powerful, since it could not be expected that everyone within the school would go out and earn some spirit stones.