37 Eternal Life in Blood (1/2)

Chapter 37: Eternal Life in Blood

Translator: AbyssrulerEditor: Lucas

Chen Xiu was passionately shouting in triumph. It was rather uncharacteristic of him, as he was usually shy and bashful. Only when it came to CT battles did Chen Xiu show his true emotions and unreserved feelings.

This display of strength!

This was true power!

The Invincible God Skeleton! A competitor for the King's struggle had descended from the heavens!

It was said that at least half of the spectators viewing the fight were watching without any expectations or biases. However, after watching the final strike, these spectators were in awe of Skeleton's prowess. Skeleton's sheer skill had won them over.

Back at the CT Asian Region office, the employees were all celebrating. ”Boss! We're on fire! This time we really did it!”

”This will raise his rank to the top 10 on the leaderboard!”

”Boss, do you think that Skeleton is a retired ace pilot? His actions were so blindingly fast that I could not keep track of him at all! He was too calm during the battle; in fact, it seemed almost too easy for him! It felt like he was simply toying with Wild King!”

Solon could not answer any of his employees' questions. He really did not know anything about Skeleton. In fact, he wasn't even clear as to what Skeleton actually wanted.

Fame? With such skill, Skeleton definitely wasn't an ordinary person; acquiring fame would be all too easy for such an individual.

Money? This player didn't seem to be interested in money. Furthermore, such an individual wouldn't need to rely on gaming methods to earn money.

It has to be said that Skeleton's fanbase was starting to form legends around him.

In truth, what our dear Student Wang really wanted was a greater share of the ticket earnings!

Wang Zheng also discovered that this battle had taught him something important. Despite all his combat experience and skills, he was still deeply flawed. He had almost tripped over a rock! Wang Zheng berated himself for his poor map awareness. What if there was a sniper hiding nearby? Thankfully, there was only one opponent this time; otherwise, he would've definitely lost the match!

Wang Zheng still had so much to learn! As he left his CT pod, he heard a large crowd screaming nonsensically. Why was it so noisy outside? Was there a fire?

After Wang Zheng left the private room, he noticed a large group of people standing in the Net Café's lobby. Everyone was preoccupied watching something on the communal screen. What in the world was so entertaining?

… Huh? This looked…familiar?

”Boss, come quick! You have got to see this! F*ck, this guy just blows my mind. He uses a Wargod No. 1, a basic mech, and yet he is still invincible! His kick is basically a god-killing technique! This gameplay footage has convinced me to join the Skeleton Corps!”

Flecks of saliva flew out of Yan Xiaosu's mouth as he spoke. He had already memorized the Skeleton Corps' member's IDs. Such was his conviction of joining the Corps!

After the video analysis had concluded, an advertisement flashed across the screen. It read, ”The Skeleton Corps welcomes you! Regardless of your profession or rank in society, everyone is invited to join! Don't live your life as a gutless weakling! Be reborn in blood and live forever!”

Student Yan had a crazed look in his eye. He had really entered the Skeleton Corps. In addition, he was even placed in a high-ranking position. It seemed like the Skeleton Corps was a good fit for him.

The Skeleton Corps was considered to be a different type of guild, relative to the ones usually found in CT. A Corps was generally filled with like-minded individuals sharing the same goals. They were usually formed when such people crossed paths with one another, and they collectively banded together to pursue their goals. However, most Corps would take preventative measures and filter out the lesser-skilled players. The most basic requirement to enter a Corps was to have a high level of skill and win rate.

Yet no Corps was more rowdy or enthusiastic than the Skeleton Corps. This was because their motto was to engage in blood and battle! Winning was battling! Losing was also battling! What was important was knowing what you truly wanted from battle. For the Skeleton Corps, it was the thrill of the fight.

Wang Zheng's previous battles had already been catalogued and edited for public viewing. Unfortunately, as his first battle was too long ago, that particular video had already been deleted from the system and could not be retrieved.

Nevertheless, the battles that were recorded were sufficient. They stood as a testament to his skill.

As his opponents got progressively stronger, using a Wargod No. 1 to crush them only led to tougher opponents purposefully seeking him out. It was only a matter of time before Wang Zheng would have the opportunity to face elite mecha.

When such an opportunity arose… would the legend prevail?

No one could say for certain, but there was hope in each and every person's heart.

”That was too sweet. F*ck. B*tch, that was just completely spectacular! Oppress these assholes! Ranks are meaningless!”

Student Xiaosu was pissed at his own abilities. He had been completely wrecked by his opponents in the previous round, which caused him to fail the bronze-rank promotion match. Yan Xiaosu needed to re-accumulate points again.

”Boss, I want to learn new skills. I am going to go and re-watch Skeleton's video analysis!” He angrily stormed off.

Wang Zheng stared at his obsessed friend. He didn't know if he should reveal his secret. With Yan Xiaosu's big mouth, if he were to spread the news, Wang Zheng's peaceful life would be gone!

Back at the dormitory, Wang Zheng realized that he had three other idiots to deal with. His roommates turned to face him with petrified faces.

Skeleton had only won one battle; was there really a need to be like this? His roommates normally had shy and reserved personalities, but their reactions to Skeleton's video was way too extreme!

”What happened to you three?” Wang Zheng inquired.

The three of them looked at each other in dismay. Their expressions were a mix of excitement and disbelief.

Yao Ailun looked blankly at Wang Zheng. With a soft voice, he uttered, ”Guess.”

At this point, Wang Zheng felt like grabbing him and throwing him out the window. ”How would I know? Are you guys obsessing over Skeleton again? Is this about his recent battle?”

”Hehe, Brother Zheng, you have guessed right. Well, sort of. God Skeleton has indeed completely devastated his opponent, but that is not the most important thing!”

”Hm, then is this about the Skeleton Corps? I'm guessing there was a huge number of people interested in joining, especially after seeing Skeleton battle. How many new members did the Corps receive?”

”Wang Zheng, you are Dormitory 007's official leader; use your imagination!”

”Yao Ailun, stop messing around,” Zhang Shan said. ”Even I wouldn't be able to guess such a random fact. I'm still having a hard time convincing myself that this is real!” Zhang Shan did not seem like his usual self.

Wang Zheng shrugged his shoulders. He couldn't be bothered with these three idiots who were keeping him in suspense.

”Wang Zheng, have you heard of Nature's Echoes before?”