Chapter 25 - You are priceless doll, only made for me. (1/2)

Deming held Lifen's hand which was held by Fei Hong and pulled it with a force to set it free. ”Your confession won't help you get a taken girl”, he said while looking devilishly at Lifen.

Lifen was shocked to hell. What was he trying to say? Before entering the room, he had already made an unexpected move and now...He is becoming so fast and always leaves her at dumbfounded.

Not only Lifen, everyone was utterly shocked to hear Deming's words while Deming was having a sign of victory his face.

”Taken? Brother I think you have got something wrong”, Fei Hong was confused. At that time slow whispering sounds can be heard. Everyone was confused with the words Deming has uttered few moments before.

Deming gave a slight smile to Fei Hong and then moved his eyes to Lifen. He placed her hand which he had set free from Fei Hong's grip on heart, ”Ofcourse you have wasted your words on someone who is already belongs to someone else. She is my Little Cat”.

The whispering sound in the room started to increase with every moment passing by. ”Did you hear, there is something going on between Mr.Wang and that girl”.

”I really envy that girl. She is so luck to have him as her boyfriend:.

”Are they really in a relationship?”

”No I doubt, look at the girl, she is not responding to anything ”.

”Are you dumb, don't you know silence is considered as an unknown acceptance ”

Everyone was shocked with such an unexpected revelation. Zhao Xi bit her lower lip and clenched her fists hard. She left the room without giving any further glance to the people present in the room and was followed by her two virtual attached tails, Tang MeiMei and Nian Zhen.

Daiyu pulled Guang closer to her and whispered in her ears,”What should we do now? Lifen has got a terrible shock”. When they were thinking of the way to pull Lifen out of this, Lifen broke her voice out hesitantly, ”Excuse me guys, can you tell me what is happening here, I really can't get what you guys are doing”. She then pulled her hand back that was on Deming's chest and said in a confused tone, ”Sorry I was thinking something important and wasn't able to concentrate on what you both were saying. And why my hand became a toy to play with?”