C293 (1/2)

Ling Xiaosu blinked his eyes, and looked at Ni Tianchen blankly. Why did he have to let her down next? Why didn't she understand?

Ni Tianchen smiled slightly. He knew that his Xiao Xiao would not understand the meaning behind his words, so he laughed and explained, ”Old Master Chu's death was too unexpected, and our Ni Family is friends with the Chu Family. So when the time comes, we will definitely attend the funeral hosted by the Chu Family.

As soon as Ni Tianchen finished speaking, Ling Xiaosu's reaction was half a beat slower. So it was because of this that he said that he would let her down.

But at that time, if she were to attend Chu Family, what kind of status would she have?

Ling Xiaosu looked at Ni Tianchen, pursed his lips, and said with hesitation: ”Chu Xiaoran's grandfather has passed away, if I were to attend Grandfather Chu Xiaoran's funeral, wouldn't it be a little inappropriate?”

Ni Tianchen rubbed Ling Xiaosu's head and comforted him: ”That won't happen, you're my fiancee and will appear in the future as the wife of my wife. No one will question your identity, and even more will not say that you're unsuitable.”

Hearing Ni Tianchen's overbearing words, Ling Xiaosu's face instantly turned red, his head buried in Ni Tianchen's chest, the tip of his ears secretly turning red.

Just as Ni Tianchen had expected, the news of Old Master Chu's sudden death spread throughout A City very quickly, and the first thing Old Master Ni knew was that the Chu Residence was going to take charge of the situation. However, Old Master Ni was not a person of Chu Family, so no matter what, he could only calm the emotions of everyone in the Chu Family, and he naturally could not interfere with the rest.

Chu Xiaoran coldly watched as the Chu Family entered and exited. A number of people came in, and taking advantage of Old Master Ni taking charge of the general situation in the hall, Chu Xiaoran arrived at Chu Qishi's room.

Ever since Chu Qishi harmed the Old Master Chu, he had a completely lost expression. Those who did not know what happened would think that he had become like this because of Old Master Chu's death.

Seeing Chu Qishi's dazed look, Chu Xiaoran sneered, walked forward, and said: ”Father, who are you planning to show such an appearance to?”

The moment Chu Xiaoran walked closer, Chu Qishi's body immediately trembled. His eyes that were red and swollen from being tired and crying for several days looked up at the Chu Xiaoran in front of him.

These few days, Chu Xiaoran was just like him. Every day, he pretended to be immersed in his grief. His face was pale and dark circles under his eyes could be seen.

”Alright, there aren't many people here. Can father tell me why he appeared in grandfather's room then?” Chu Xiaoran asked.

Chu Qishi sat up slightly, his legs becoming a little numb from the long and arduous movements.

Chu Qishi let out a painful cry. He raised his eyes that had instantly aged ten years to look at Chu Xiaoran and said, ”Didn't you already know that?”

Chu Xiaoran frowned, he was slightly dissatisfied with Chu Qishi's reply, ”Father, what nonsense are you talking about? How did I know? ”

Chu Qishi laughed sarcastically once, before continuing: ”Since you're so curious about why I appeared in your grandfather's room, then I'll give you an explanation, because at that time, I saw a contract in the drawer of your grandfather's room.”

Chu Xiaoran's heart made a ”thump” sound, and he immediately guessed what kind of contract Chu Qishi was talking about.