Chapter 365: (Title at the bottom) (1/2)

Lust Knight LamenThief 49640K 2022-07-23

”I missed you so much.”

”Me too!”

Rose and Daisy have been hugging each other for about a minute, but that is nowhere near enough to satisfy their hearts.

The little vampire thought she needed to travel around the world to get some autonomy and meet new people and places. But she didn't expect to meet Lucien and to stay away from her mother even longer, which made her love for Daisy grow even more.

And just as Daisy thought that travel would be faster than planned, she missed Rose a lot. That was one of the reasons she agreed to help Sophia and Donna look for their brother on the west continent.

But now they are together again. Mother and daughter think at the same time that they never want to be apart again.

”Are you really fine, mom?” Rose asks as she starts to check Daisy's body. There are dust and blood all over her beautiful dress, which is torn in several parts now.

Daisy makes a confused expression while she also checks her body. ”It all happened so fast... I was in trouble facing an angel from the third layer of Sky Realm... I was going to die, then... he came out of nowhere and saved me.”

”Yes, he does it sometimes.” Anne giggles behind Rose alongside other girls.

Daisy makes a sorry expression. ”I didn't even say thanks to him...”

”Third layer? That was easy for him after defeating an angel from the seventh layer a while ago.” Neola speaks in a proud tone.

”Third layer of Sky Realm? That's impossible!” Daisy can't believe that. Well, she also can't believe he killed the tracker while he had an aura of someone from the Mortal Realm.

[Maybe he's like those girls... a demon? Their brother? This is so confusing... he really looked like that girl with red hair...] Daisy is lost in thought while she imagines Lucien's charming face, of course.

”Nothing is impossible to hubby.” Madelyn comments.

Daisy looks at the girls behind Rose. She notes that they all have a very impressive aura despite being from the Mortal Realm. Also, they are all amazing beauties, just like her daughter. In fact, Rose looks even more beautiful than ever. She has a special brightness in her eyes and skin.

[Mortal Realm third layer? How did she reach this power level so quickly without my help?!?! Did she found some legendary treasure ??] Daisy is also shocked by Rose's current level of power and powerful aura.

But she tries to remain calm and confident as always. Then she smiles at the girls as she talks to Rose. ”New friends?”

Rose smiles as she blushes a little. ”Not only friends but also sisters.”

”Sisters???” Daisy is confused for a second before she fears she has understood the situation. Well, Lucien claimed to be her son-in-law.

Angela takes a step forward, arriving at Rose's side while making a loving expression. ”Sisters not by blood but united by a profound bond of our choice, yet destined to us.”

Daisy likes Angela's tone and expression. In fact, she can see several similarities between them and knows that she would easily be friends with Angela in any other situation.

But in the current situation, where Angela and those other women are supposed to be in a harem competing with her daughter for a man's affection, it doesn't seem like a friendly situation.

”That guy...” Daisy comments with a concerned expression. She wants the best for her daughter and doubts that Lucien can be that, even though he is definitely the most handsome and strong young man she has ever seen.

Rose can see the concern and hesitation in her mother's eyes and holds her hand. ”Lucien... he's the best for us. He gives us so much love and affection. But he also protects us from all harm and makes us very strong.”

Before Daisy can speak, Rose smiles proudly. ”You think I'm just a half-vampire from the Mortal Realm now, don't you? But you have no idea of the power Lucien has given us...”

She takes Angela's hand while also smiling at the other girls. ”We together defeated a group of four angels from the Sky Realm early stages while he alone dealt with their leader. Damn, we are still in the Mortal Realm.”

Daisy is incredibly surprised by the power of Lucien, Rose, and the other girls. Still, she can't stop thinking about the happiness of her daughter, who actually looks happier and more excited than ever, which is definitely a positive point to Lucien.

She smiles. ”Tell me everything about your journey until here and about him... my son-in-law.”

Rose hugs her mom tightly again. ”I will. But now we need to join hubby and our other sister. He already killed those angels.”


After the angels' heads roll on the ground, Lucien looks at Sophia with a loving expression as he thinks to himself. [Why does she look even more beautiful?]

Sophia thinks something similar. [He looks so fucking handsome now…]

But Sloth is more focused on his horns and wings. [Them suits him well...]

”I missed you so much!!!” Sophia smiles and then jumps off her floating pillow while opening her arms to him.


Lucien flies towards her and hugs her in the air. ”I thought about you every day.”

She holds his face with both hands as she smiles beautifully, so happy to be in her lover's arms again.

Then she starts to kiss him while talking to him mentally. ”I know it because I also thought about you every day.”

Lucien hugs Sophia tightly as they spin in the air. He thought he understood how much he missed her. But only now, tasting her delicious lips, smelling her flower fragrance, and feeling her skin as soft as cotton, he understands that a big part of him was missing when she was away from him.

”I know we weren't away for long, but I felt like it was an eternity!!” Sophia speaks as she kisses Lucien's whole face, leaving the mark of her lips and the smell of her mouth on his forehead, cheek, nose, chin, just as she wants to kiss every part of his whole body.

Lucien's hands run over her delicate sexy body while he also wants to touch, smell and kiss every part of her. ”Now we are together, and we will not be away from each other again.”

Sophia also caresses Lucien's body while she can't stop kissing him. ”I waited so long for this... I dreamed with your touch... with your kiss... I so wanted to hear your voice... tell you about our family...”

”Now you can do that and whatever else you want. I will give you everything you want, my love.” Lucien speaks as his mouth seeks her lips again.

They are like people who have been in the desert for several weeks without water, and now freshwater for both of them is in each other's mouths.