Chapter 291 291Currency (1/2)

FFF-Class Trashero Farnar 53970K 2022-07-22

[19th] Violence of the Warrior

“This is driving me crazy! I've been told to be careful not to accumulate karma. ”

The warrior Rachel is walking the streets of the capital of the kingdom of Dumpling, scratching her head nervously.

Visuals were not bad.

Every time he passed by, the nearby girls stopped and looked dazed.


“He's really handsome. ” Tran s lated b y jpm t l .co m

“Oh my! Oh my! ”

But it's really small.

I used to be a cute emperor, and I said, ”Pussy! ’It was difficult for all men and women, old and old.

Even jealous Anti would appear when popular, but my cuteness is the truth, so there was not a single denier on the continent.

What I'm trying to say is, I'm qualitatively different from the pretending to be cute.

“Valiant Lyell. Alex the Sword's Mansion is that way!”

T rans lat ed b y Jpmt l .co m A single smile on the side of a fierce warrior's face.

He's punching!

“I feel energized to hear the vibrant voice of Ranubel! ”

What did he say?

Rachel is really energized, as if when it was serious.

But he didn't move in the direction that the label was pointing at.

Where did he go from there?

I could tell right away.

Mercenary Guild.

It is a place where violent and dirty fantasy barbarians seek jobs or hire them for money.

“Warrior, let me guess! Are you looking for a comrade to join you on an adventure in the Mercenary Guild? ”

“Oh, my God! I can't fool Lanubel's eyes. ”

“Heh heh.”

My blood pressure rose sharply every time I saw you two squawking, but now was not the time to be picky about it.

Save a colleague?

As I understand it, this is only the second time for the warrior, Rachel. Tr an s la t ed b y jp m tl .c o m

Even the first round ran to Neubius as soon as he was summoned to the Fantasian dimension and was‘ cut 0.1 seconds’.

That is, there is no need for information.

However, in addition to being familiar with all the terrain in the city, he was confident that he could recruit colleagues from this mercenary guild.

There's only one thing I can think of.

“You use a mean technique. ”

This was unexpected.

The fourth curriculum was frequently raided because there was a lot of information being released due to the rambling of graduates.

However, the fifth curriculum is completely graduated.

I don't have the luxury of having an Attack House.

However, there was no hesitation in the warrior's footsteps.

Reading the siege, I was as vigilante as Luke, who was as resourceful as he was.

Let's see if he's bluffing or real.

Uhh! Uhh! Uhh!

The spirit of a righteous MAX class drink quickly changed the face and body type of a nobleman.

T rans la t e d by Jp m t This is not molding.

Molan is science.

Race: Human

⁄ Level: 44

Job: Nobility (genealogy = original )

⁄ Skill: HP MAX HealthMAX Immunity MAX

Agility MAX Intelligence MAX ImmunoMAX

Magic MAX Sense MAX Charm MAX

Musculoskeletal MAX SkinMAX Hair MAX

Lifetime MAX Inventory C Maggid...

Status: Good

At this rate, the basic skill level associated with the body causes a person to become osteoclavated.

Dramatic changes that are unlikely to be identical at all.

How delirious!

Yikes -!

T r a n s l a te d by jp m However, there were minor side effects.

Clothes tailored to the appearance of an imprudent nobleman were torn by swollen muscles.

He was already a rag by the royal knights, so he couldn't stand it.

All but the flabby boxer shorts!

“Hiik -?! ”

“Hey, Mom?! ”

“Is it a person...? ”


The passersby looked at me and was amazed.

Some girls rub Sarr's face and rub it over here.

Too conspicuous to be seen in this state.

But no problem.

“Clean socks. ”

“Take my trousers. ”

“This is a top-quality cloak. ”

“The shoes I bought yesterday. ”

Devil worshipers, mixed with ordinary citizens, provided me with clothes.

Fashion was ridiculous due to the lack of coordination and rough fit, but I solved it with a cape.

It's not urgent.

“Well, then...”

After a perfect transformation, thanks to Master Molan's teachings and the support of the Devil Worshippers, I quickly and quietly set foot behind Rachel and Ranubel.

♪ Twinkle, twinkle ♪

A mercenary guild that keeps ringing the doorbell until late because there are so many people going in and out.

However, war and monster subjugation are not daily, so the work of mercenaries can be varied.

From little errands to illegal ones.

They'll do anything for a reasonable amount of money.

Risk benefits.

Hourly allowance.


Season allowance.


Mercenaries who raise their employment costs for all sorts of reasons are much more expensive than regular troops, but they have the advantage of not being able to pay for their hands-on combat experience.

Named mercenaries, especially those who are recognized for their skills, are priceless and are better treated than Engan knights.

If this warrior Lehel were to recruit his allies, he would certainly be after these names.

Just like I paid the mercenary king the first time.

“Excuse me.”

“Oh my! Holy Boy Knight. What brings you to our mercenary guild? Quest? Hire? Register?”

The concierge lady asked the warrior with a charming tone.

You seem to have mistaken Rachel for a knight of the realm because she's dressed in glamour since she was summoned.

“I'm looking for mercenaries. ”

“Do you know the name or nickname of the mercenary? ”

“Inspector of Storms, Rafaveli. ”

“Oh! If it were him, he'd be at the Member Rest Area on the 3rd floor of the Guild. It's a lot of work if you want to be paged for hire. However, if you are an acquaintance, we can forward your name for free. ”


“Yes. Just a moment, please.”

The Mercenary Guild is a member.

However, it does not limit freedom based on the nature of mercenaries who do not like to be tied to one place.

We have guests on the first floor.

Associate members on the second floor.

3rd floor is full member.

Mercenary Guild branches and headquarters are higher and vary slightly from region to region, but generally consist of this.

In a mercenary guild, most mercenaries who are uncertain of their identities are only first-time workers and guests.

Only those who have been active for a long time who are determined to be certain of their identity will be promoted to Associates, and even those who are competent will be selected as active members.

If you become a guild member, the treatment will definitely change.

Unlike the 1st floor, which reminds me of the market floor, you can use Guild Building facilities from the 2nd floor which can only be accessed by Associates.

Even mercenaries are treated more highly than knights on the second and third floors.

But this woman was different.