Chapter 1469 (1/2)

”now that the nightmare demons have escaped from the abyss of heaven, it is impossible that such a kind of people who are willing to revenge themselves can not fail to take revenge.”

”The old clan chief, I'm afraid it was because of the Revenge of the demon clan that he died.”

Seratel concluded with a sentence.

There's evidence of motivation, of ability, of breath.

That's basically certain.

”But, how can we find the demon clan?”

Asked Tianna.

According to the analysis of lanche and seratel, the power of the demon who attacks the old dwarf patriarch must be at the level of the strong.

Therefore, ordinary people are useless when they are looking for the demon clan.

Strength is too weak, that is meat buns beat dogs, there is no return.

On the contrary, they also sent their prey to the demon clan.

Therefore, it is almost certain that the person who can find the nightmare devil can be found.

Although the current clan leader of dwarves is only the first to enter the strong level, in order to avenge the old clan leader, he is naturally responsible.

And then for the sake of racial friendship.

And ethnic hatred between races from ancient times to today.

Seratel, the head of the beast spirit of the orc tribe.

The fairy queen of the elves, Tiana.

There is also Langqi, who represents the Dragon nationality.

There are four strong talents.

But there are only four of them.

In the ancient times, heaven and earth were full of vitality. It was indeed a contention among hundreds of nationalities. Each race could find several people who could carry the tripod.

However, up to now, except for these three races and the Terran who wandered on the edge of the northern mountains, all the other races are basically in a state of withering.

Hard work may be able to make several strong talents.

But in the situation that even their own race is dying out, who has the heart to look for what nightmare devil.