Chapter 2531 (1/2)

You can search in Baidu ”God level system Wanjie store long shuhaige novel network”()”Find the latest chapter! therefore, Qile's letting selkaya fill the queue is not just a talk, but a fact.

Fortunately, the shop next door is open and closed, which has no impact on the image space cabin.

Because the mirror space cabin does not need to guard, it is all automatic process, and you can go in after paying the ticket.

Then no matter win or lose, as long as the mirror space is thrown out, that is the end of the challenge.

If you want to go in, you need to continue to buy tickets.

So the mirror room is a standard 24-hour business. As long as a challenger is thrown out, the next customer can go in and start the challenge.

However, it is also because of this reason that the line outside the mirror space cabin is extremely long.

All day business means that customers in line do not need to leave.

Anyway, time doesn't mean much to the gods.

There are no problems such as eating and drinking.

So once you start queuing, you have to wait until it's your turn.

Sometimes I want to ask a question: is it really worthwhile to wait in such a long line for such a challenge of ten minutes, even less than ten minutes, and then being thrown out of the mirror space?

Of course, you don't have to think about it.

It's worth it, of course.

Because the challengers who have entered the mirror space and fought with their own mirror images all know that fighting with their own mirrors is not only to become stronger, but also to reflect and discover their own defects.

In the usual practice and perception, their own defects are hidden.

Without the actual combat training, it is very difficult to detect their own in the battle, there are those flaws and deficiencies.

After all, people are always tolerant of themselves. Even if these guys claim to be gods, this can't be changed.

Therefore, the fight against the mirror image is a process of making up for its own shortcomings.

You don't have to be strong in battle.

As long as you can find your own shortcomings and correct them after the battle, it's worth it.

Especially those challengers who have been thrown out of the mirror space once, after the battle, suddenly have a lot of insights.

This is a kind of self reflection, and in the reflection to get growth and progress.

In this way, there is no need to publicize the image space hut at all, and there will be enough public praise.

Obviously, Qile's proposal this time is successful.

Mirror space is very popular.

system can extract the rules from the tickets and get rid of the dross and get the essence. Be of great advantage to Qi.

At least Qi Le's perception of various laws is more and more profound.

However, Qile did not condense the supreme throne, nor did it condense the law pattern.

So I don't know what level I am at.

But none of this matters.

In terms of combat effectiveness, it has never been Qile's strong point.

Qi Le preferred to develop silently until he felt that he was almost developed, and then he went out to fight.

So take your time.

And the popularity of the mirror room also makes Qile stronger, and improves the level.

However, during an occasional inspection tour, Qile also saw a slightly familiar customer outside the mirror space cabin.

This is the first time Qile saw that challengers could come out of the mirror space cabin in a safe and clean way, instead of being thrown out by the mirror space.

And this Challenger made Qile a little surprised.


So Qile couldn't help but stop the challenger.

Yes, it's sunoshas, a forging God from the holy dragon kingdom.