935 Reinforcements for the Mad Wolf Guild (1/2)


Upon seeing the tragic death of Five Wolves Six Colors, all the onlooking players were taken aback. They simultaneously stopped their attack on Wang Yu and involuntarily retreated backwards.

Who were they kidding? Everyone is here to make a living, so there is no point in risking their lives like that.

Sanwen Cuttlefish saw that his men were beginning to be wary of Wang Yu. He yelled at them in exasperation, ”That brat is alone yet you guys are scared of him. The one who kills the big one gets a thousand gold and the small one a hundred gold!!”


The eyes of the players lid up once again after hearing the additional rewards that they might receive.

Based on the value of the gold currency in-game compared to real life, one thousand gold is worth sixty thousand RMB, while one hundred gold is correspondingly worth six thousand RMB. This easily amounted to the annual income of an ordinary working adult.

The two players before them were simply walking ATMs.

Man dies in pursuit of wealth while birds die in pursuit of food.

Everyone was re-energised as they doubled their efforts to attack Wang Yu.


Wang Yu gazed at the players around him and let out a loud roar as he slammed his foot into the ground. With the streak of lightning that followed wherever he stepped, Wang Yu managed to knock these players a couple of steps back.

They looked at Wang Yu in amazement but they quickly turned their attention to the Little Bookworm.

That one thousand gold was seemingly out of reach, but wasn't this hundred gold free for the taking?

The structure of City of Hope was very similar to that of Twilight City but the streets were constructed differently. The streets in Twilight City was built very systematically but in City of Hope, the streets were built to surround the mountainous regions. The street that Wang Yu was currently located was the innermost part of the city.

Similar to the administrative area of Twilight City, this was the resurrection point for most classes. The Magic Academy and the Church were situated opposite each other while the Warrior Camp was also nearby.

Five Wolves Six Colors had been resurrected and quickly rejoined the fight.

”You again!”

Wang Yu turned around and stared coldly at Five Wolves Six Colors. With skillful control of his shield, he circled it expertly and slammed it into Five Wolves Six Colors and the surrounding players.

Five Wolves Six Colors subconsciously lifted his sword to block Wang Yu's assault but his sword was only Silver grade after all. After dying once, his weapon was sustained another twenty percent of damage. How could it withstand Wang Yu's divine weapon?


After a loud collision, Five Wolves Six Colors and the rest of the players were killed once again as they dissipated into white light.

Wang Yu realised after he killed Five Wolves Six Colors the second time that he was fighting too close to the resurrection point. The players that were killed could rejoin the battle immediately. Wang Yu grew more ruthless in his attack as his sword danced about the battlefield, akin to a poisonous tongue claiming the lives of each victim it touches.