2 The 1st Encounter (1/2)

I was in the hotel lobby waiting for the elevator to come. I am scheduled today to meet with the director of fashion Mark Philips. I am wearing a slick off shoulder black dress with some frizzled on the end of the skirt. This is one of my designs which is not yet out. I have tied my long wavy hair in a bun. I am using my black velvet stilettos and black clutch bag with white pearl accents. As for my accessories just some white pearl necklace, earrings and bracelet.

”Andrea what time is our dinner with Mr. Mark?” I ask Andrea which is standing next to me.

”Eight in the evening Queenie.” Andrea answered while looking at her wrist watch. ”We are just right on time. It's quarter before 8.”

”That's good.” I nodded.

'Ting' the elevator arrived. The doors opened and inside are some people, mostly men chattering. They looked at the lady in black in awe. Andrea and I entered the elevator. The chattering stopped. I feel eyes staring on me. I smiled to myself feeling the eyes going thru my back.

The elevator arrived at the 53rd floor and we exited. As I walked at the lobby visitors that are happily chatting and doing there own business suddenly stopped and looked my way.

”Hey who's that.” a man said. ”I don't know maybe an actress or a model. She's damn hot.” the man beside him answered.

”Look at her. She's so beautiful. Is she a model or something.” a woman said.

While I walk I hear this kind of talk. ”Andrea, where's the way to the restaurant?” I asked.

”Right this way Ms. Queenie.” Andrea answered. While in public Andrea shows me a respect for a boss. She leads the way.

We arrive at the entrance of the restaurant. I can hear mellow music inside, the ones typically played in five star restaurants. The male attendant at the front desk stared at us in awe.

”Ahem.” Andrea coughed. The attendant woke up from his daze.

”Ah yes. Do you have a reservation tonight?” the attendant asked.

”Yes. We are here to meet with Mr. Mark Philips, the director of fashion. I'm Andrea Gale.” Andrea replied.

The attendant looked at the ledger and searched for the names. ”Ah yes Ms. Gale. You have a reservation for 2 with Mr. Philips.” the attendant said. ”He is already here. He is at table 401. Let me show you the way.”

The attendant showed us inside. The restaurant is a little croweded. Maybe becuae it's a weekend. All the guest are wearing formal attire. I believe these people are from high class society. No wonder, this restaurant is five star and known here in N city.

The attendant lead us to a table by the window. A tall and slim looking man wearing a dark violet tuxedo is chatting with a young woman in a red long gown.

”Mr. Philips your guests have arrived.” The attendant said.

The man in the violet tuxedo looked our way then gave a huge smile. You can see in his smile that he is very delighted. He stood up then the woman in the red dress followed.

”Oh my, my. I am Mark Philips. Please call me Mark.” the man said. ”This hear is my trusted assitant and sister Grace Philps.” he gestured to the woman. Mark is gay so he's way of talking is a little bit cute.

”Please call me Grace.” the woman said.

Mark extended his hand and shaked Andrea's hand.

”Thanks Mark. We have talked on the phone before. I'm Andrea.” Andrea said. ”This here is my boss Queenie Versales.” she gestured to me. I extended my hand and shaked Mark's hand.

”It's a pleasure to meet you Mark.” I gave him a smile.

Mark paused for a bit. ”Oh my, the pleasure is all mine.” he said.

”We are delighted to finally meet you Ms. Queenie. Your Q.Versales fashion line is known and famous around the globe. It's an honor.” Grace said with a smile.

”Yes, yes please sit down.” Mark said.