17 Birthday party 2 (1/2)

Many guests have arrived inside. All of them are chatting. I see Mark and his sister Grace. I wave at them and Mark waved back. I walked towards them.

”Queenie you were invited as well I see.” Mark said.

”You look amazing Queenie.” Grace complimented me.

”Thank you.” I said. We chatted for a while. Drinks are being served by the waiter so I got some champagne. I remembered Andrea scolding me the last time, so champagne will do.

Then I saw Julia not far away. She was wearing an long red gown. Her hair was curled and neatly styled. Beside her was the most good looking man in the venue, Shawn. He was wearing a black tuxedo. His hair is styles back elegantly. Julia was hooked in his arms.

I look at Julia and smirked. 'You're so happy that Shawn's with you. But that smile won't last.' I thought to myself.

”Ah I guess Julia nagged her father everyday just to let Shawn escort her tonight.” Mark said.

”Aren't you and Shawn dating?” Grace asked me.

I just smiled at her.

After a while Julia and Shawn approached us.

”Grace, Mark thanks for coming to my birthday party.” Julia said with a smile. ”Oh Queenie you're here. Thank you for coming.”

”The pleasures all mine. Happy birthday.” I said. ”Shawn.” I nodded to Shawn.

”Hi Queenie.” Shawn greeted me respectfully but smiled to me sweetly.

Julia saw this and clenched her hands. ”Thank you.” Julia said with a fake smile. ”Are you alone? Oh my I'm sorry. I have heard about the news of you and Shawn. But I'm sure those are just rumors right? You haven't confirmed anything until now.”

Julia was clearly trying to shame me. Guests around all looked at us by that time. She wants to brag that I was just a moments fling for Shawn and she was the rightful one beside him. I held my glass much harder trying to hold in my anger. If I let my anger out then I'm the loser in this game. I composed my self and still gave a warm smile.