26 Press Conference 1 (1/2)

It was a weekend and I was leisurely lounging in the pool area seating on a bench reading a book and drinking coffee.

”Queenie.” Andrea was walking towards me. ”Mayor Williams is here to see you.”

I look up at Andrea and smiled. ”Tell him I'll be there right away.” I said.

It has been a week since they got a sample from me for the DNA test. Maybe my father is here with the results. I smiled to myself.

”Well let's get the show on the road.” I told to myself.

I walk towards the living room. I see my father seating on the couch a little riled up. 'He looks a little tense.' I wondered.

”Mayor Julian. It's nice to see you again.” I greeted him politely with a smile.

He looked up at me and stood up. I can see tears falling in my father's eyes. He was literally crying. He walked towards me and put me in his embrace.

”Oh my sweet darling baby girl. I'm so happy you're alive.” my father was crying. ”I'm sorry I wasn't able to find you earlier.”

”Sir does this mean...?” I left my sentence unfinished. I may be acting surprised because I know what the test results would be. But I am genuinely surprised with my father's attitude. My heart was filled with happiness. The warmth of my father's embrace gives me great joy.

”Yes my baby girl. The test results came. It was a 99.9% match. It confirmed my suspicions.” my father said.

Tears also fell from my eyes. I looked at him and acted surprise.

”Then...you're my father?” I asked him.

”Yes my sweet darling. Oh my Jillian.” my father's words were sweets to my ears. I have longed for his affection for so long. I really cried tears of happiness.

”Come let's seat down.” my father said. I looked at him and smiled.

We both wiped away our tears and laughed. We seat down on the sofa.

”Do you have any questions? I am sure you have many questions for me.” my father asked.

I thought for a minute what to ask. ”Why isn't Victoria and Julia here? Aren't they my mother and sister.” I asked.

My father frowned. ”My baby girl Victoria is not your biological mother. And Julia is just your stepsister.” he said. ”I really didn't bring them here. They don't even know that I have took the DNA test with you.”

”Why not?” I asked confused curiously.

My father sighed. ”It will be complicated after they know you're alive.” my father tucked a lose hair to my ears. ”I want to arrange all necessary things first before letting them know.”

I look at my father. It has been 8 years. And the time has taken a toll on his handsome face. I can see visible age lines. He looks so much stressed.

”I am planning to make a press conference by Monday. I would like to present you to the whole world that you are alive.” my father said. ”Are you willing?”