34 Dinner with Grandparents (1/2)

When Shawn and I entered the door my grandparents were there to greet us.

”Good evening Queenie, Shawn.” my grandmother greeted us. ”We're happy for you to be here.” she gives me a warm smile and a hug. I also hugged my grandfather. Shawn shook their hands.

”It will be more happier if a certain someone didn't come.” my grandfather whispered but loud enough for us to hear. Shawn gave a forced smile.

My grandmother elbowed grandfather. ”Come dinner is waiting.” she showed the way.

I look at the interior of the mansion. It has been properly maintained. I remember my childhood self playing as a princess and coming down the grand staircase where my prince was waiting. And of course that prince was Shawn. In the past Shawn, Gerald and I are childhood friends. We have always played together and visited each others homes just to play.

”Your mansion is huge but still feels like home.” I said while we are walking to the dining room.

”Yes. I have always put effort in decorating it myself. I want the interiors to feel warm and cozy. We are old now and a home is where we can feel at ease.” grandmother said. ”Well it's always a hassle to decorate a house this big but it gives me something to do at least.” she smiled.

We arrive at the grand dining room. It was just the four of us so we used just a portion at the end of the grand long table.

A complete tableware was arranged on the table for four persons.

”Let them bring the food in.” grandfather said.

The bulter bowed and exited the dining room. Moments later the food arrived. I can smell the delicious aroma of the food.

”Hmm seafood?” I asked in amazement. ”I love seafood specially shrimp.” I smiled.

My grandparents both smiled. ”I'm happy that you still like seafood. I have ordered the chef to specifically cook this for you.” grandfather said.

”Really? So I also loved seafood back then.” I said. ”No wonder you took me to a seaside restaurant on our first date.” I said to Shawn.

Shawn smiled. ”Yes. I have some doubts that time that you were Jill.” he said.

”Hmph. If you knew then why didn't you tell us?” grandfather said sarcastically.

Shawn was taken by surprise on what my grandfather said. ”I'm sorry grandfather. I wasn't 100% sure yet at that time. I didn't have concrete evidence.” he said.

”Hmph who told you that you can call me grandfather again?” grandfather was not backing down. Shawn started to look sad.

”Grandfather?” I asked acting confused of this tension between them.

”Dear, Shawn is our guest. Please behave yourself.” grandmother scolded.

”Hmph.” grandfather stopped talking.

”Come now let's eat while the food is hot.” grandmother said.

”Thank you.” Shawn said smiling at grandmother.

My grandmother is really a gentle person. She played the role of my mother after her death. She had given me motherly love that I will be forever grateful for.

We have eaten in silence. Once done wine was served.

”Oh I am not allowed to drink alcohol for now the doctor said.” I said.