57 Payback 1 (1/2)

It was 1am when I look at my phone. It has been at least 3 hours when I left Julia in Brad's hands. I have passed the time in the cafe of the hotel because the reunion has ended.

Shawn and I were chatting for the past 3 hours while drinking coffee. I still can't remember him but from what Andrea has told me I was planning on stealing Shawn away from Julia. Well now I'm not planning on stealing him but at least I can ruin her reputation in front of him. I smirked internally.

”I can't believe we did all those things when we were in college.” I was giggling.

”Yeah. We had most of our freedom while we were in college. And we experienced our youth to the fullest.” Shawn said.

”Who would have thought that the children of the wealthiest people in N city knows how to party hard.” I said.

”At least we didn't do bad things, just crazy ones.” Shawn said.

This past 3 hours Shawn has continued to tell me my past with him. From our childhood days to out teenage years. I was curious because even though I can remember those times but I can't seem to remember him. When I think about it hard my head starts to ache.

I instinctively flinched from my headache and Shawn saw it.

”Are you okay?” Shawn said. Worry was etched in his face.

”Oh I'm sorry. It's just that trying to remember makes my head ache.” I said.

”You don't need to force your self to remember. I just want to retell you our stories together.” he said with an affectionate smile.

”It's getting late. I guess we need to get going.” I said.

”Let me take you home.” Shawn offered.

”Oh, no need. I have texted Troy. He's on his way to pick me up.”

Shawn made a hurt face. My heart squeezed so I hold his hand.

”I had a great time chatting with you. Even though I can't remember you. At least I know we can be good friends.” I give him a warm smile.

”Friends?” Shawn repeated the word. But he gives me the feeling that 'friends' is far from what he wanted.

”I need to go to the rest room first. Do you want to get going?” I asked.