69 The man behind the shadows 2 (1/2)

Victoria was shocked in silence. This man knew all her secrets.

”If Julian knew that Julia's father is the one you cheated on him when he was working his ass out here in N city as a new upcoming lawyer. What do you think will happen?” The man's voice was cold and calculative. ”The time you knew you were pregnant with that man's child he left you with nothing. Taking everything with him and leaving you with a huge debt. Who do you think helped you? Who do you think offered you this way out, out of your miserable situation?”

Victoria had a flashback of the past. When she just knew that she was 6 weeks pregnant and her live-in partner back then left her alone without anything.


One night she came home with a letter from her live-in partner. In the letter he was stated he was leaving her because he can't support them. Not just that, he also took all the money they have stored and left her with a huge debt from a loan shark.

The loan shark just came the following day and demanded her to pay the $20 million her live-in partner owed them from gambling in casinos. They took everything in the apartment as initial payment and told her they will be back. If she can't give them the remainder of the payment then there will be huge consequences.

Her whole world crumbled that day. But then that was the time she met him. Adrian Montgomery. The heir to the Montgomery financial empire. He just popped in her apartment out of no where.

”Do you want to solve your predicament? I'll help you but you will be working for me to bring misery to Julian Williams.” Adrian said with a smirk.

Adrian was just a kid back then. Maybe in his early teens, Victoria doesn't know for certain. But the way he talked it was like he was more mature than his real age. Victoria saw the intelligence of this kid. She didn't know how he found her or knew the relationship between Julian and her.

Adrian was the one that formulated the plan. He said that he would pay all of her debts that her live-in partner left in her name and will make her and her daughter rich for the rest of their lives. With just the condition that she would follow everything he tells him to.

At first she didn't believe this kid. Of course what can a kid do. But then she saw that her debt to the loan sharks has been paid.

The next time Adrian visited Victoria, she had made a decision to follow his plans. She just had a feeling that this kid can turn the world upside down with his abilities.
