76 Now a couple (1/2)

After a while of welcoming guest Troy's car arrived in the driveway. I see him get off the driver side and gave his keys to the valet attendant.

He was wearing a white pair of suite and pants with a black bowtie to much. He was looking dashing.

My heart beats faster as he was approaching. I was like a teenage girl looking at a boy she liked, it's embarrassing. I feel a blush forming in my cheeks.

”Mr. Williams, Queenie.” Troy nodded to greet father. He took my hand and kissed the back. I blushed even more.

Father was looking at Troy's gesture. ”Ahem.” Father cleared his throat. ”Thank you for coming.”

”It's a pleasure Mr. Williams.” Troy said politely. ”May I take this time to tell you that your daughter and I are going out.” He pulled me to him and put his arms around my waist.

I was shocked and looking at my father with wide eyes, he was shocked as well.

”I think this is not the right time and place Troy.” I whispered to him softly.

”This is the right time and place.” Troy answered.

”In front of God and you Mr. Williams, I promise to love Queenie with all of my heart. I will cherish her forever sir. I am going to marry her.” Troy said solemnly.

Father's face was looking back and forth from me and Troy.

”Daddy I love Troy. I accepted his proposal. He is the one that I want to be with the rest of my life.” I said with conviction. Troy held me closer to him.

My father sighed. ”I understand. The two of you are in the right age to make your own decisions.” Father patted Troy's shoulder. ”Young man come to my house after all things has settled down. I want you to officially ask my daughter's hand in the right way. Call me old fashioned but Queenie is my precious baby girl. Let's talk by that time.”

”Yes sir.” Troy bowed. ”Thank you.”