79 Abduction 3 (1/2)

Troy was standing outside the hotel venue and on the phone. ”Hello, Queenie! Hello?!” Troy was shouting on the phone.

Shawn just arrived and heard him.

”Troy what's the matter? What happened to Queenie?” Shawn asked confused.

Troy looked at Shawn with wide eyes. ”Queenie's call has been cut. She said someone was following her car.” Troy answered.

”What?!” Shawn was shocked.

”Dammit. I gotta go there as fast as I can.” Troy said. ”Shit my car is at the basement parking.”

”Let's take my car.” Shawn offered.

Shawn took the keys from the valet attendant and opened the driver's side door about to go in.

”Come on Troy. Get in.” Shawn said.

Troy simply nodded and entered the passenger side. After getting in Shawn stepped on the gas and sped towards the road.

”Where are we headed? Where was her last location?” Shawn asked.

”The road from the church leading to the highway.” Troy answered.

”It will be at least 30-40 minutes drive from here. Good thing I brought the Bugatti Chiron today.” Shawn said with a serious face.

In less than 10 minutes they were at the highway. Shawn was speeding thru the traffic swerving left and right.

”You're a great driver, I'll give you that.” Troy complimented.

Shawn's lips hooked up a bit.

”Queenie has told me everything.” Shawn said after a while. ”She's out for revenge against those witches. Those mother-daughter pair.” Shawn gripped the stirring wheel hard.

”I tired to talk Queenie out of this whole revenge thing. I was clearly against it at first. I know that something like this will happened.” Troy pressed his temples. ”But I guess the anger in her heart won't just disappear. She said she needs this, to get back what they have stolen from her and give back what they have done to her. All I can do is to support her in the sidelines.” Troy sighed.

It was silent for a while.

”I understand how you feel.” Shawn muttered. ”I also don't want her in harms way. If I can do anything to help, I am sure to lend a helping hand.” Shawn said.

”Hmm. Thanks.” Troy smiled.

”And I also know that Queenie chose you.” Shawn said with a flat tone.

Troy was surprised. He looked at Shawn.

”Don't worry, I accept my defeat. I know I have given her a very deep wound that is not easy to heal. And you were the one by her side when she needed someone.” Shawn sighed. ”But don't get too cocky. I will still be here for her as a friend. If you make her cry you'll definitely get a beating from me. And I'm make sure to take her away from you. So don't hurt her.” Shawn smirked but he was serious. Even though he has accepted defeat he doesn't want Queenie to get hurt. He wants her to be happy.

”Heh, I won't let you have that chance.” Troy also smirked.


After just 20 minutes they arrived at the scene of the car crash.