86 A surprise blessing (1/2)

I can feel my body all heavy. I can hear voices around me. I want to open my eyes but my eyelids are so heavy.

”How is she?” I can here Shawn's voice.

”Her vitals are stable thank God.” I can also hear Troy.

'They are together? They don't sound like fighting with each other, thank God.' I said.

”By the way thank you. For saving her.” I heard Troy said.

”No need to thank me. I also owe her a lot.” I heard Shawn said.

”How are you feeling?” Troy asked.

”I'm fine. Just a little dizzy. They got 3 bags of blood from me.” Shawn chuckled. ”Even if I give all my blood to her, I will do it just to save her.”

There was a pause for a while. All I can hear are the machines.

'Are they still here? Did they leave?' I thought.

”You still love her?” Troy asked and broke the silence.

”Yes I do.” Shawn answered. ”It's hard for me to forget her. Even when I thought she died 8 years ago I wasn't able to replace her in my heart. But she has chosen you and I respect that. At least we had closure.”

”Thanks.” Troy said.

”Just promise me that you won't hurt her.” Shawn said. ”She has been thru a lot. And she deserves to be happy.”

”Don't worry. I'll make her happy.” Troy said.

”If you hurt her I'm not gonna forgive you. I'm going to take her back.” Shawn said jokingly butthere was a tone of seriousness.

”Heh, I won't give you that chance.” Troy and Shawn chuckled.

It was nice to hear them get along together. Shawn will always have an important space in my heart. And Troy is the love of my life now. That makes me happy that they were getting along.

I want to open my eyes. To see them smile together. To tell them that both of them are important to me. But the darkness is coming again. I can feel it pulling me back to unconsciousness.


My consciousness was waking up again. But my body is still heavy as well as my eyelids. I'm trying to listen if anyone was with me.

I can hear the beeping of the machines.

”Why is she still sleeping? It has been two days now?” I can hear father beside me.

”I'm not sure sir. The doctor is in his rounds at this time. I'm going to ask him once he's free.” I hear Andrea not far away.

”Oh my baby girl please wake up. I want to hear your voice.” Father's voice was full of sadness.

'Oh daddy. I'm alright, please don't strain yourself.' I want to say this but my mouth won't open and my voice won't come out.

”Sir you need to rest. You have been here overnight now. It won't be good for your health. Queenie won't want you to get sick because of her. Please go home and get some rest. I'll be here to watch over Queenie.” Andrea said.

”Yes, you're right. Thanks Andrea. I'm happy that she has dependable friends like you.” Father said.

”I'll call you immediately if there is some changes in Queenie's condition.” Andrea said.

”Hmm.” Father said.

Then darkness engulfed me again.


I don't know how long have I been unconscious. My consciousness was awake again. I can feel that my body is still heavy but it was not that heavy like it was the past few times that my consciousness awakened.