90 The Wedding (1/2)

I am inside the bridal car. The bridal march is beginning inside the church now. I feel like hyperventilating.

”Come now Jill. Take deep breaths. Inhale exhale, inhale exhale.” Andrea said.

I do what Andrea said and take deep breaths. I can feel myself calming down.

”There, feeling much better?” Andrea asked looking worried.

”Yeah. Thanks Andie.” I smile at her.

'Knock knock' the coordinator knocked on our window. Andrea opened it.

”Maid of honor, it will be your turn to walk. Please be ready.” The female coordinator said.

”Okay. Well Jill are you gonna be okay by yourself here?” Andrea asked.

”I'm going to be fine. Just a little nervous.” I told Andrea. ”Now go.”

”Okay. See you at the altar.” Andrea gave me a peck on the cheek.

”Okay.” I answered.

Andrea exited the car. I see her take her walk on the aisle.

”Okay, deep breaths Jill.” I told myself.

After that I see the staff coordinators close the door of the church.

”Ms. Jill it's your turn now.” The coordinator said.

”Thanks.” I said. ”Okay Jill you can do this.” I told myself.

The coordinator opened the car door and helped me get out.

When I was walking towards the door I see my father. He gives me a warm smile.

”Jillian.” Father said as he hugged me.