99 Troy’s past 2 (1/1)

”I saw myself as the reason why my father died. Because of that I vowed that I would work hard for the company he left to me and mom. But before that I needed to collect myself so I took a vacation here in N city.”

”That was when I found you floating by the ocean.” Troy looked at me. A smile was formed from his lips. He tucked a lose strand of my hair in my ears. ”When I saw you I thought that I want to save you. I wasn't able to leave you even when I knew that you were in a coma. I brought you with me back to Paris. And when you opened your eyes for the first time and called me your angel. That was the time I told myself that I would never leave you. That I would always stay by your side.”

Emotions are starting to build up within me. I know Troy loves me but I need to ask one question even if I know it will hurt me

”Did you save me back then because I resemble Angeline?” I asked.

Troy was surprised with my question. He looked at me with those emerald green eyes. He tried to find a reason why I asked him this question.

”It's true at first. You resemble Angeline the time I saved you.” Troy answered.

It was like a knife stabbed my heart a thousand times. I have thought about this the first time I saw Angeline. We have the same features but have noticeable differences. Tears started to flow from my eyes. A sob broke out of my mouth. I tried to suppress it by holding them with my hands.

”My love, please don't cry.” Troy hugged me close to him. He started to caress me. But this gesture just let me cry out loud.

”Love please hear me out.” Troy held my face. ”Please look at me.” His emerald eyes looked straight to my sky blue eyes. I was still sobbing but I tried to calm down.

”Jill when I spent my days with you I knew that you and Angeline are different. And soon after I fell in love with you and not the one that resembles her. It's you that I love and it's you that I married. Please believe me. You're the one I love Jill and no one elese.” Troy wiped away my tears.

I nodded. I know he loves me. All the things he has done for me proves that. It was just there was a ghost of the past that was hanging on my mind. Troy saved me that day because I resembled Angeline. What if I wasn't? Will I be alive now?

”Jill what I felt for Angeline back then was just fleeting emotions. I was too young and I thought it was love.” Troy caressed my cheeks. ”But when I met you I knew what I felt back then was weak compared with what I feel for you now. I love you Jill and I can't think of anyone but you. You're the only one I see my future with.”

I look at Troy. I can feel my eyes were puffy after crying. ”I understand Troy. She was from your past like Shawn is mine.” I smiled at him. ”I love you Troy. And I can only see myself growing old with only you. You're the only one I can see myself to have a family with.”

”I love you too Jill. More than you could ever imagine.” Troy said.

He planted a kiss on my lips gently. His kiss erased the doubts I have in my heart.