103 15 days of honeymoon vacation (1/2)

”Love wake up.” Troy whispered in my ear.

”Hmm.” I sleepily replied.

”We're nearing our destination. It's better you freshen up first.” I can feel Troy stroke my cheeks gently.

I slowly open my eyes. I see the beautiful face of Troy. His emerald green eyes are looking at me gently.

”Wake up sleepy head.” Troy said teasingly and smiled.

I lazily sat up from the bed. Then I realized that I am still naked. I get the blanket to cover my body.

I saw Troy already wearing clothes. He was wearing a white sleeves undershirt, light blue buttoned outer shirt and light brown khaki pants. On his feet he was wearing brown sandals.

”I've picked a nice dress for you.” Troy said with a smile. ”You just need to freshen up.”

At the bed side I can see a yellow spaghetti strap dress with flower designs and on the floor are white flip flops.

”Okay.” I answered absent minded.

I stood up and walked slowly towards the rest room.

After I took a shower and exited, I saw Troy was holding the hair dryer. He patted on the bed to tell me to sit down.

”You don't need to dry my hair. I can do it myself.” I said a little embarrassed.

”I want to pamper my wife. Can't I?” Troy made a puppy dog face.

'Aww, he's so cute.' I thought to myself.

I followed his request and sat on the bed.

Troy turned on the dryer and started to dry my hair.

”Hmm it's nice to be pregnant. You always pamper me.” I smiled.

”Of course. But I will always pamper you even after your pregnancy.” Troy said.

”Really? Are you sure?” I giggled. I know he will pamper me frequently like he did for the past 8 years.

”Of course. You are my wife. If we have a daughter I will be sure to pamper her as well. Like a princess and you are the queen.” Troy said lovingly.

”Hmmm. But I want a little Troy. I can imagine a little boy that looks like you always clinging onto me.” I smile with the thought.

Troy turned off the dryer. Then he suddenly hugged me from behind.

”Always clinging on you?” Troy asked with a tinge of jealousy.

I giggled. ”Are you jealous? But he will surely be clinging to you as well.”

”Hmm. That sounds fair.” Troy said. I can feel he was smiling.

'Ting' the intercom beeped.

”Mr. and Mrs. Versales. We still have a few hours until we enter Maldives air space. Please feel free to relax and enjoy the flight. Our cabin crew is there to serve you.” The captain said.

”Maldives?!” I said excitedly.