108 Trouble back at home 2 (1/1)

We were at the airport waiting to board our private plane when Andrea called.”Hello Andrea.” I answered my phone.”Hi Jill. I hope you had a great time in your honeymoon vacation.” Andrea greeted.”I had a great time.” I said enthusiastically.”That's good.” I heard Andrea's voice being hesitant.”What's wrong Andrea?” I asked a little nervous.”Well I don't want to bring bad news just after your honeymoon.” Andrea hesitated a moment. ”There's a problem in your company. It's about the plagiarism issues of your sister Julia. Because of the news that spread many of your partners withdrew from investments within the company. Not only in the clothing department but also other departments as well.””Your father is having a hard time dealing with this especially now that he still a mayor. Shawn has been helping by pulling a few strings but it's still not enough.” Andrea explained.”I understand. I will work on the problem right away once I get back.” I said.”Okay. Have a safe flight.” Andrea said.”Thanks.” I ended the call.I dialed Shawn's number next. The phone rang for a while.”Hello Jill.” Shawn answered from the other end. ”How are you? Did you enjoy your vacation?””I'm fine Shawn. I had a good time, thanks for asking.” I answered. ”By the way Andrea just called. She told me about the situation in the company.”I hear Shawn sighed. ”I didn't want to stress you out with this Jill. I'm trying my hardest to help your company out of this. Your company doesn't have any legal issues about the plagiarism because Julia's team was caught and they testified that it was all Julia's doing. And also you didn't press charges on Julia or the company so we are clear on that.””But the news has spread out. The image of the company was tainted because of the plagiarism issues. Many of the partners have withdrawn their investments and if this keeps up.” Shawn paused and didn't want to continue.”I know Shawn. If this keeps up the stocks will drop and we can face bankruptcy.” I ended what Shawn was about to say.”Don't worry Jill. I'm doing everything I can. So far we have stopped the drop of stocks and we are just above the line of bankruptcy. But we need to try to win back the trust of your investors or at least find new ones to push back up the stocks.” Shawn explained.”I understand Shawn. Thanks for helping. It means a lot to me.” I said.”Any time Jill. You know I'll always be here to help.” Shawn said.”Thanks. See you when I get back.” I said to him.”Sure. Have a safe flight.” Shawn said. The call ended.Next I dialed father's number.”Hello Jillian.” Father's voice was a little hoarse.”Daddy, are you all right?” I asked worriedly.”Ah I'm fine. Just having a bit of a cough.” Father answered. ”How's your honeymoon baby girl? How are you and my little grandchild doing?””I'm fine daddy and little bump is getting bigger everyday. I had a great time here.” I smiled. ”Daddy Andrea told me about the situation of the company.”Father had a pause for a moment. ”Oh Jill you don't have to worry about the company. Let me handle things.””Daddy you know I'm a major stock holder in the company, I can't just ignore this. I'm also worried about you and your health. I don't want you to get stressed.” I said.”But your pregnant. I don't want you to stress yourself because of this. What if something happens to you and my grandchild?” Father said.”Don't worry about us. Me and little bump are strong. We take after you.” I smiled.”Hahaha.” I hear father's hearty laugh. ”I miss you baby girl. When are you coming back?””I'm at the airport right now. By tomorrow I'll back at home.” I answered. ”I'm going to visit you the soonest and let's deal with the situation back at the company together.””Okay baby girl. Have a safe flight. I love you.” Father said.”I love you to daddy.” I ended the call.”Is there a problem?” Troy asked. He just popped up beside me.”I got a call from Andrea. There is a problem back at the company.” I answered. ”I just hang up with daddy and asked about it.””If you need any help just tell me okay.” Troy said looking worried.”Okay. Thanks love.” I smiled at him. But deep inside I was really worried.