112 Lunch with a good friend 2 (1/1)

Shawn and I entered a decent sized ramen shop. Inside people of different ethnicity are eating. I smell the ramen and my mouth started to water.”Ah Mr. Andrews.” A Japanese man greeted us. ”Its good to see you again.””Konnichiwa Tachibana-san. Can we have a private table for two please?” Shawn asked.”Hai. Right this way.” Tachibana-san led the way to a corner of the shop.Shawn and I take our seats. The shop was small but it looks like it was always full. The corner that Tachibana-san brought us was not that crowded.”Is she the girl you have been telling me about?” Tachibana-san asked Shawn.”Yes. She's the one that loves ramen.” Shawn answered. I looked at him curious to what he has told Tachibana-san about me.”The day I opened my shop some years ago Shawn entered here and ordered. He had a sad face so I thought he didn't like the ramen I cooked. So I asked him.” Tachibana-san explained. ”But he said that the ramen was delicious. He was just sad that he can't bring a girl he knows who loved ramen.”I looked at Shawn sadly. If it was just a few years ago then that time he thought I was dead.”I have been a frequent customer here ever since.” Shawn said with a smile.”Yes. He has always been eating my ramen here frequently.” Tachibana-san said. ”Then last year I saw him smile from the bottom of his heart for the first time after eating my ramen.””Hahaha, you still remember that?” Shawn was laughing.”Of course I would. You are a precious customer.” Tachibana-san smiled and looked at me. ”It was the first time I saw him happy. When I asked why he said that the girl he mentioned that loved ramen has returned. And one of this days he would bring her here.”I looked at Shawn. He looks so happy now with a smile on his face. I'm happy that I can be with him like this again. He is an important person to me and a good friend.”Ah I never thought that Mr. Andrews' friend would be this beautiful. You look good together.” Tachibana-san teased. I blushed with his compliment.”Ah thanks. Umm...” I was about to correct him and say I am married but Tachibana-san talked.”Is it the regular order Mr. Andrews?” Tachibana-san asked.”Yes, please.” Shawn answered.”Okay. Please wait for a while.” Tachibana-san said and left.”Thanks for bringing me here.” I gave him a sweet smile.”Wait until you taste Tachibana-san's ramen. You'll love it, I promise.” Shawn was all smiles. I love seeing him that way.”I think Tachibana-san misunderstood that we are together.” I said softly. I don't want to hurt Shawn but I also don't want other people to misunderstand our relationship.”Don't worry. I'll clear the misunderstanding later.” Shawn said. ”By the way how are you? How was your vacation?””I'm doing fine. The morning sickness is lessening. Maldives was beautiful. I am sure to go there again.” I smiled.”That's good. Your tummy is getting bigger.” Shawn looked at my little bump.”Yes. He/she's getting bigger everyday.” I caressed my tummy.”I'm sure he or she is a healthy little person.” Shawn gave a genuine smile. ”Let me be the godfather.”I was shocked with Shawn's request. I never thought Shawn would offer to be a godfather to me and Troy's child. My heart squeezed with delight.”I'm so happy you offered. I'm sure Troy will be happy as well.” I said.”That's good to hear.” Shawn smiled. ”By the way I heard the partnership with Montgomery Business Empire.” Shawn's face changed into a serious expression.