119 A surprise 1 (1/1)

I was with Andrea in the car. Sawyer was driving us to the hospital for my monthly pre-natal check up. I have missed my check up last month because of the hectic schedule of the wedding and the surprise honeymoon Troy arranged.”Don't worry love. Andrea is here with me.” I was on the phone talking to Troy.”Sorry my love. Work has piled up when we were at our honeymoon and I need to get this done.” Troy was sounding so sorry.”Don't worry, I understand.” I said. ”It's just a routine check up. No need for you to be here.””Thanks love. Next month and the coming months I'm sure to be with.” Troy was really sorry. I giggled. My angel is feeling guilty by not accompanying me now.”Okay, I'll count on your promise then.” I said with a smile. ”I love you.””I love you too. See you at home later.” Troy said. I can imagine that he was smiling when he said that.”Okay, bye.” I said and ended the call.”Ma'am, we're here.” Sawyer said while making a stop in front of the entrance of the hospital.”Thank you Sawyer.” I said.”Here let me help you.” Andrea first exited the car and helped me out.”Thanks Andie.” I replied.”This little bump is getting big.” Andrea said while gently caressing my tummy.”I know right.” I giggled.I am now at my 2nd trimester and little bump was a little bigger than I thought he would be.Andrea and I arrived at the elevator when we bumped with someone I didn't expect to see.”Jill.” Adrian said greeting me with a smile. He just exited the elevator and walked towards us. A woman with black hair tied in a bun was following him behind. She was wearing a business attire.'She must be Adrian's assistant.' I thought.”Mr. Montgomery. It a surprise to meet you here.” I greeted.”Please, call me Adrian.” He reminded me.”Oh I'm sorry. It's just your aura is so grand I can't help but be respectful.” I was telling the truth. This man really has a domineering aura that even I can't help but be mesmerized by it.”Thank you for the compliment. But you also are grand yourself. I can't help but be drawn to you.” Adrian said and smiled. His smile had a hint of flirting. I felt a chill on my spine looking at him.”What brings you here, Adrian?” I asked rather curious.”Oh, I had an accident at home.” Adrian said. ”I cut myself with a knife accidentally when I was in the kitchen. It was rather big and deep so it needed to be stitched up here.”Adrian raises his right arm where his long sleeves are folded up and a huge gauze with some hint of blood is seen taped on his arm.”Oh my God. What happened?” I reacted surprised. I unconsciously held his hand to look at it.Adrian was taken by surprise by my action and I suddenly noticed that I invaded his personal space.”Oh I'm sorry.” I said and let go of his hand. ”I was just worried with the wound that big.””It's okay. No offense taken.” Adrian said and had a gentle smile. ”I was cutting some vegetables and my hand slipped. So I accidentally cut myself.” ”You're a lefty?” I asked. I just asked out of curiosity because the one that was wounded was his right arm, so he was using his left hand when holding the knife.Adrian was surprised yet again. ”You are observant Jill. Yes I'm a lefty.” Adrian smiled. His look became gentle, unlike the other times I have seen him when he was wearing a proud face.”Sir I'm sorry to disturb but we need to get going. You have a meeting with an important client.” Adrian's assistant said.”Is that so?” Adrian asked then he looked at me. ”I'm sorry that we need to cut our talk short. I would like to treat you to lunch. I can cancel the meeting if you want to.””Sir?!” Adrian's assistant was shocked.”Oh no, you don't need to cancel your meeting. I am also scheduled for a checkup today.” I smiled and declined his offer.”Is that so? Well that's a shame. Well maybe next time.” Adrian smiled sadly. ”Next time we meet again Jill.” He gestured a hand shake.”Till next time Adrian.” I said and shake his hand. But he suddenly pulled my hand and pressed his lips on it.”I will treat you next time.” Adrian said and smiled.I felt awkward and grabbed my hand back slowly as not to offend this man.”Okay.” I smiled.The elevator arrived and I pulled Andrea with me to enter it. When the door closed Adrian was still staring at me with gentle eyes.”That man is really something.” Andrea said suddenly. ”I was rooted to the spot where I was standing. He really gives that kind of aura. I'm surprised you can stand him.”I sighed. Adrian is really bold with his actions. I noticed the time we were talking to each other that people were starting to gather and watch us. With him just standing he can attract people. His aura is really something to behold. But when he was starting to get gentle towards me I was afraid that the people around would misunderstand so I make my exit in haste.I never thought he would have such a gentle expression. I always see him as proud and strong in nature. But just a while ago I saw a different side of him. I can feel he has sadness in him under that proud exterior of his. He was just a little boy feeling affection for the first time.