135 Two powerful men (1/1)

”I should go now. See you next week.” Adrian said and turned around.”But Mr. Adrian...” Andrea was still trying think of a way to make Adrian approve and sign the documents. Jill left her in charge of the company for the week. She didn't want to let her down.”Aren't you a being a little stubborn Adrian.” A cold voice came out from behind the door.The door opened and there standing was Troy. He was wearing a serious look on his face.”Troy Versales. What a pleasant surprise.” Adrian smiled.”Adrian Montgomery, good morning.” Troy greeted coldly.They bothe stared at each other. These two powerful men are in one room and it felt like the temperature dropped by some degrees.Looking at them staring at each other felt like their auras are clashing with each other. They were having an internal battle that others can't describe the intense feeling.”I have heard your conversation. Is it okay to just walk away like that?” Troy asked.”Jill and I had an agreement in this partnership. I will only work with her and 'only her'.” Adrian replied. ”I don't have the confidence in Ms. Andrea's document. If Jill isn't the one that wrote it then I won't approve of it.”Troy looked seriously at Adrian and smiled sarcastically.”You have so much confidence in my WIFE Adrian. I am happy you believe in her capabilities.” Troy said.”But of course. I believe in Jill's capabilities. She is a one of a kind woman.” Adrian countered.They were having a battle of words. None of the two powerful men are backing down.”Then if it was my wife that did the documents, you will not have any objections in approving and signing it?” Troy said with a smile.”Of course. I am sure that Jill always make her work perfect.” Adrian said. ”Well she is a perfect woman.”Adrian's words had a hidden meaning in them that Troy understood completely. This man was clearly a rival. Adrian has set his eyes on his wife. This made his blood boil.”Then that is good because I came here just to deliver the documents 'my wife' made herself.” Troy was staking his claim on his wife.Adrian was surprised. He didn't expect that Troy had a hidden weapon.”May I look at it?” Adrian asked. Troy handed the folder to him.Adrian took the folder with a smile. He opened the folder and started to read the documents.Troy was looking at Adrian seriously while reading and flipping the pages. And at last Adrian finished reading until the last page.”It is indeed Jill's work. She really impress me. This documents has no flaws or loopholes.” Adrian smiled. He took his pen from his suit pocket and signed the papers.”Here you go Ms. Andrea.” Adrian gave her the documents. ”I will be now taking me leave.””Thank you very much.” Andrea sighed in relief.Adrian walked towards the door where Troy was standing.”Please send my regards to your wife.” Adrian said with a smile.”I will.” Troy said with a serious face.”Be sure to take care of her. You'll never know what can happen this days.” Adrian gave a bright smile.Troy looked at him and smiled. ”Don't worry. I am sure to protect her from any danger.”Adrian patted Troy's shoulders and left.