146 Dinner with a king 2 (1/1)

After the meal Andrea and Adrian's assistant haven't arrived yet. It made me uncomfortable being alone with Adrian.”It has been a long time and our assistants haven't arrived yet.” I said.”I message my assistant a while ago. She said there was an accident on the road and they were stuck in traffic.” Adrian said.”I better call Andrea and ask her if they ate okay.” I said and stood up.Adrian caught me by the hand to stop me.”Don't you trust me?” Adrian asked with a sad face.'To tell you the truth I really don't trust you.' I thought to myself. But I can't say that. Our company is now tied to the Montgomery Business Empire. I can't be selfish and just think of myself. There are thousands of employees relying on me.”It's not what you think Adrian.” I smiled. ”I'm just worried about them, that's all.”Adrian let go of my hand immediately.”Is that so? Sorry for jumping into conclusions.” Adrian said and smiled.I take my phone and get out the room. Once outside I dialed Andrea's number.”Hello Andrea. Where are you now?” I said when she picked up the phone.”Hello Jill. Sorry, we are still stuck in traffic. There was an accident on the road up ahead. We can't make a detour because of the volume of the cars.” Andrea answered.I sighed in relief.”That's good. Let's just cancel the meeting if you are still stuck there. We won't know when you will arrive and you have the sketches and documents. So we can't move on with the meeting without it.” I said.”But will Adrian approve?” Andrea asked worried. ”You know how overbearing he is.” Andrea whispered to me. It looks like Adrian's assistant was right beside her.”Don't worry, I'm gonna think of something. I also don't want to be alone with him.” I said.”Okay, be careful.” Andrea whispered.”Of course I will.” I said and ended the call. I entered the room again.”Adrian, it looks like they will be stuck in traffic for a while.” I said. ”Let's just reschedule the meeting about the sketches of the N city Grand Mall project. It's also getting late.””Don't worry. I don't mind waiting here with you.” Adrian said.My head was throbbing, this man is really overbearing. I need to think of a way to reschedule and most importantly get out of here.”Adiran it will take them at least an hour to arrive. And it is quarter to nine. It will be better if we reschedule it for another time.” I said with as firm and commanding voice.Adrian's smile widened with amusement. He stood up and walked towards me. He seemed to be a predator stalking his prey.My heart was beating fast. I made a step backwards.'What is he thinking?' I thought to myself. I am good at reading people since I started to study marketing and management when I was young. But this man is hard to read.Adrian was moving closer to me and when I took another step back my back felt the coldness of the wall. I have no where to run.”You are really something Jill.” Adrian said. ”You are the only one that can give me a commanding voice and it doesn't irritate me. On the contrary you make my heart race in anticipation of you.”He locked me in place with his arm on the wall.”What do you think you are doing?!” I said with a high voice.”Oh, I like your feistiness.” Adrian said. His eyes were burning with desire.”I am a heavily pregnant married woman.” I said. I look at him with conviction. He may be my company's only hope now but I won't let him get his way with me.Adrian smiled. ”I just adore you Jillian, no need to be in guard.””I feel rather different from what you just said.” I said. I feel that I need to put my defenses up with him.Adrian stepped back and raised his hand in defeat. ”I don't have any intention.”'Knock knock'I felt a wave of relief when I heard the knock. The door opened, I see a familiar face.”Good evening. I'm here to pick up my wife.” Troy said with a cold tone.