165 A dream or a premonition? (1/1)

I was standing in a field of roses. Everywhere I look I can see them blooming beautifully.”This place seems familiar.” I told myself. ”When have I been here before?” I wondered.I walked around the field looking for signs of other people.After walking for quite some time, I saw a gazebo not far from where I was. I walked towards it.When I was about to go near the gazebo, I see familiar looking people. One was a woman and one was a boy.Then I remember that this was where I have been when I was in my near death experience. The woman in the gazebo is my mother and the little boy was my son with Shawn that I miscarried.I tried to go near them but even when I walked or ran, I wasn't getting any nearer.I was panting heavily running faster, wanting to see and talk to them again. Not long, there was a third person with them. At first I cannot see who it was clearly. All I could tell is that it was a man.When my eye sight adjusted I saw the face of the man that was right beside mother. I was shocked to see that it was my father.”Daddy?” I said in disbelief. ”Daddy!” I yelled to him.Father looked at me and smiled. He was waving at me. I can see him hug my mother and kiss my son on the forehead.”Daddy what are you doing here?” I asked him. But he didn't answer and just smiled.Then the three of them waved at me again like they were saying goodbye.”No, don't go.” I said to them. ”Daddy, don't leave me!” I yelled with all my might.They turned around and walked away. I was now running with all my strength but I wasn't getting any nearer. In fact they were getting even farther.”No daddy. Daddy!” I screamed.***”Love, wake up.” Troy was beside me in bed, trying to wake me up.I opened my eyes and saw him looking down on me worriedly. I was panting heavily.”You were having a bad dream.” Troy told me.”Daddy, I dreamt of daddy.” I said. ”He was... he was leaving with mom and my dead son. Troy he was leaving me behind.”Tears were streaming down my eyes.”Hush now, it was only a dream. It was just a bad dream.” Troy was calming me down. He wrapped me in his arms and cradled me.”B-But it looked so real.” I was sobbing.”It was only a dream, don't worry love.” Troy assured me. He kissed me in my forehead to calm me down. It was silent for quite some time. Troy was caressing me until I stopped sobbing.”Do you want to visit father tomorrow?” Troy asked me. ”It is a weekend tomorrow so we can give him a visit.””Hmm. Okay.” I nodded weakly and agreed.”Okay. I'll call him in the morning.” Troy said. ”Go to sleep. Don't worry, I'll be here watching over you.”Troy was still cradling me in his arms. My eyes felt heavy after crying and sleep came to claim me.***I open my heavy eyelids slowly. The curtains in the room were closed but I can tell that it was already bright outside.I sleepily get up from the bed. When I looked around, Troy was not beside me.'He must have woken up earlier.' I thought.I get up from bed and wore my robe and slippers. I walked outside the room.When I looked over the staircase I see Troy drinking coffee from his cup. He was sitting on the couch holding a newspaper in one hand.I look at him in awe. He was were casual clothes. A black V-neck t-shirt and white khaki pants. His hair was in it's norma style, no hair wax, just combed. I can look at him all day and not get bored with it.Then Troy looked up. Maybe he sensed that someone was watching him. He smiled at me brightly so I smiled back.”Good morning love.” Troy greeted.”Good morning.” I replied.I walked down stairs. Troy put down the cup and newspaper he was holding and met me at the foot of the staircase. He offered me his hand and helped me get down. Once on the ground he gave me a peck on the lips.”How was your sleep?” Troy asked.”I feel my head is a little heavy.” I told him. ”I slept in late.””You had a nightmare last night, do you remember?” Troy asked. He cupped my cheeks and looked at me worriedly. ”That's why I let you sleep in.”Then I remembered my nightmare from last night. Worry was etched in my face once more.”I have called father a while ago and said we will drop by for a visit.” Troy said. He caressed my worried face. ”He was excited and told the helpers to prepare food later.”This made me smile. After I came back here, daddy has always been spoiling me. I know that he was trying to make up for the lost time.”Hmm, then let's go after we eat breakfast.” I said.Troy smiled at me and nodded in agreement. ”Come, breakfast is waiting.”Troy pulled me gently towards the dining room. I was still bothered with my dream. I hope that it was just a dream and not a premonition.