170 The twin’s arrival 1 (1/1)

We arrive at the hospital faster than I expected. I didn't even know that we have arrived until Adrian opened the passenger door. I only felt the pain in my belly the entire time and cannot focus on anything else.”I'll carry her.” I hear Adrian said. Maybe he was talking to Andrea because my back was facing him.Then I felt arms grab me gently. Adrian carried me in his arms carefully and walked towards the emergency room. Andrea was right behind us.”Excuse me, Dr. Castro is expecting us.” Andrea said to a nurse in the reception area. ”Mrs. Jillian Rose Versales.””Wait a moment please.” The nurse said.”Why do we still need to wait!” Adrian shouted. ”Can't you see she is in pain?””I'm so sorry sir but we still need to check you in. It is our protocol.” The nurse replied.”F*ck protocol!” Adrian said in anger. ”Take her to whatever room she must be in right now!””I'm so sorry sir, please understand. We will surely take care of your wife once we have done the necessary admissions.” The nurse's voice was trembling a little. She must be frightened with Adrian's aura.”He's not my husband miss.” I said within breaths.”Don't worry, I can take it from here.” A familiar voice said. When I looked up it was Dr. Castro my OB. ”She needs to be taken to a room fast. You can do the paper work later.””Yes doctor.” The nurse replied.”Mr. Adrian Montgomery.” Dr. Castro was a little surprised to see him carrying me. I was too exhausted to explain to her why. ”Please follow me.” She said and Adrian nodded and followed Dr. Castro.The nurses in the reception gasped hearing Adrian's name. Maybe they have heard his name but didn't know what he looked like. Adrian is known as one of the most powerful and richest CEOs in the world so it's no wonder the nurses only knew that the one carrying a pregnant woman was the most eligible bachelor CEO when they heard Dr. Castro mention him.Not long after we arrived at the room the doctor has prepared for me. Adrian gently put me down on the bed.Right after I was laid down I felt another contraction. I held the bed railings with force, waiting for this wave to pass by.”How long are the intervals in between contractions?” The doctor asked.”I lost count doctor.” I said honestly. I can only focus the pain of the contractions now and was numb to everything else around me.”Okay.” The doctor nodded to me and turned around. ”I'm sorry but I have to ask you to exit the room. Medical personnel can only be here.”Andrea nodded and Adrian was a little hesitant.”Don't worry Jill, I will be right outside.” Andrea said.”Troy?” I asked.”He's nearly here don't worry.” Andrea assured me. I smiled weakly at her.Then Adrian came near me and held my hand. He squeezed it lightly.”You are a brave girl. I know you can do this.” Adrian said. His look towards me was firm like he was giving me courage.”Thank you Adrian.” I smiled.Not long the both of them exited the room.”Let me IE you.” The doctor said. ”Spread your legs here.”I slowly spread my legs. The doctor wore here gloves and made the IE. She looked serious after the examination.”Your water has already broken.” The doctor said. ”You are already dilated 5-6 centimeters. The babies are on their way.”When I hear the doctor's last sentence, I felt the happiness melt my heart. At last I will meet my beautiful angels.”Get everything ready.” The doctor told one of the nurses.”Yes doctor.” The nurse nodded and exited the room.”Ahhhh.” I screamed in pain again. The contractions are coming frequently and much more intense.”Time?” The doctor asked another nurse that was in the room.The nurse looked at her watch. ”Two and a half minutes doctor.””They are eager to come out.” The doctor giggled.”B-but Troy's not here yet.” I said after I catch my breath from the latest contraction.”Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be here in time to see the babies.” The doctor assured me. ”And I think the babies can't wait any longer.”I relax myself before the next contraction occurs.'I wish Troy was here beside me.' I thought.I am sure I can endure any pain if Troy is right here beside me.