24 Preliminaries Star (1/2)

Dragon God Warrior Gohgh 25120K 2022-07-22

”Lao Er in which arena have you been put?”

Asked Long Suanni.

”The fourth arena.”

Seeing how they wouldn't met until after the preliminaries, Long Suanni added.

”I am the first arena, guess we won't met each other until after the preliminaries. You better not disappoint me, so you better win and be careful with Long Qiong even if he's not your direct opponent, he will try something against you.”

Seen how Long Suanni was worried for him Long Lao Er assured her that she shouldn't worried too much about him and that she should focus on her match.

Preliminaries were about to start. Each of the 4 arenas consisted on 1000 participants, where in a royal battle the top 8 survivors would pass to the next round.

Long Suanni was in the first arena, Long ZhangLang in the second one, Long Qiong in the third arena and finally Long Lao Er was in the fourth arena.

As everyone was preparing to enter their own arena, Long ZhangLang was making the final negotiations with several candidates from the fourth arena, so they would help him take out Long Lao Er and cripple him.

The magnificent ceremony lead by the Dragon King and the 4 Grand Elders was finished so it was time for every participant to enter their correspondent arena.

In the royal boot Long Pulao, one of the 4 Grand Elders was talking with the Dragon King.

”Your majesty, are you really letting the Royal Princess participate?, What if she gets hurt?”

Much to Long Pulao's surprised, the Dragon Queen Long Fuxi answered.

”Don't worry too much about Suanni. She's more than ready. She'll give you all a big surprise.”

”And if she wins?”

Asked Long Pulao.

”Then she'll choose who to marry, isn't that right dear?”

Asked Long Fuxi to her husband.

”Yes, you are right.” her husband answered.

Long Suanni was on the first arena, ready to participate along with the other 999 participants from her same arena.

Junior Elder Long Ming would be the judge. With his cultivation level at the seventh level of the Qi Foundation Establishment Realm, he was more than qualified to be the judge and no one would question his decision. Still he was a little nervous since he had to deal with the Dragon Princess. What would happened to him if something bad happened to the Dragon Princess? Should he be impartial all the time?Or should he guard the princess or help her?