Chapter 765 (1/2)


Ning Guangyao frowned. “What secret?”

“All those years ago, Xue Zijing didn’t die from leukemia…”

“What?!” Ning Guangyao exclaimed as he turned to face Luo Cuishan. “Yo—you mean…”

“I mean exactly that.” Luo Cuishan proudly laughed. “You’ve never given it that much thought, have you? I bribed the doctor to fake her medical diagnosis. The real cause of her death is me!”

Ning Guangyao trembled at the revelation. Rage clouded his mind and shouted for him to slap the wrench right in her face. But instead, he steeled himself and coldly replied, “You demonic woman. Zijing made sure that she would never cross your path or hinder you in any way. She had never even dreamt of competing with you! Even when she was in Zhonghai, it was by my will that we met. How cold-blooded can you be?!”

“Cold-blooded? Perhaps. No one deserves to get what I can’t!” Luo Cuishan brutally replied.

Ning Guangyao nodded. “Al—alright, what’s done is done. I’ll give you a few minutes for you to mentally prepare yourself before I send someone in to deliver the drug. I believe you can do the rest yourself.”

As he spoke, he glanced over to a solemn Cripple by the corner before he sneered. “Since this cripple has been taking care of you all this while, I’ll make sure he follows you down. If he refuses to consume the poison, I’ll deal with him another way.”

Ning Guangyao finished his sentence and with a stoic face and left the room along with his two personal bodyguards.

Once the door was closed, Luo Cuishan completely broke down where she sat. Staring right at that door, her tears fell uncontrollably.

“Who would have thought that you were the first lady of our great nation? I wasn’t actually dreaming,” Cripple remarked.

Luo Cuishan pessimistically jeered at him. “What does it matter? In the end, I’m just a pathetic human being who lacks a blissful married life.”

Cripple frowned as he let out a sigh. “The last revelation you made was just to piss him off, wasn’t it?”

Luo Cuishan stared at Cripple. “What do you mean?”

“Even though I wasn’t quite sure whom you guys were talking about, I’m fairly certain that you were lying about the whole bribing thing.”

Luo Cuishan was confused. “How did you know?”

“Blind guess.” Cripple smiled brightly. “I noticed, that although you might be feisty and hot-tempered on the outside, you still genuinely care about what your husband thinks of you. You created that story to make him truly believe that you were an undeserving monster. This way, when he finally sends you off, he won’t be left with much longing or regret.”

Luo Cuishan was amazed at his observation. Cracking a smile, she said, “Who would have thought that the only time I’d meet a person who understands me was on my deathbed.”

Luo Cuishan stared affectionately at him for a moment. “There is actually a way that you might get to live on...”

“Huh?” Cripple rhetorically asked in slight frustration, “Are you saying the premier would change his decision?”

Luo Cuishan shook her head. “Not for me. I’m no longer the co-head of the Ning clan anymore. My very existence endangers his entire clan and position in the nation. Only when I die, will he have the confidence to face the other clans.

“But you, your situation is different. You’re just a nobody in his eyes. He might spare your life if you show even the slightest bit of value to him. Your death is nothing more than him venting his anger.”

Cripple curiously followed up with another question. “Then how can I even put up any value to his cause? I’m just an orphaned beggar, an uncultured, untalented cripple.”

Luo Cuishan thought for a bit. After a while, she brought Cripple closer and whispered into his ears.

Cripple was astonished by the words that went into his head, his eyes flinging wide. He proclaimed, “What? Are you sure this is true? This is… madness! If this goes out…”

“All you have to do is repeat it the way I told you. He’ll believe you. As long as you keep this secret with you, he will have no choice but keep you alive. He might even protect you,” Luo Cuishan reassured.

Cripple was overwhelmed as he stared at Luo Cuishan. “Why tell me this? If you tell Premier Ning what you know, I’m sure he’d spare your life too.”

Luo Cuishan shook her head with a comforting smile. “No, he wouldn’t. From the moment he escorted me back to Beijing, I was already on death row.