Chapter 205 - 203: Contract And Schedule II (1/2)

”I think that mine, the dummy and the real one, are both acceptable.” Serena said after she read through it. ”Wait, just to confirm, you really will pay me the 800 grand as payment for signing this aside from the profit sharing right?”

Edward chuckled, well, he can make that much profit in just one of her songs, so he thinks that he must add that clause. ”Of course. I don't want you to think that I would take advantage just because you asked for a dummy one. However, don't casually tell others, no other artist that I will sign with my company would even reach 1/10 of that amount.”

Serena grinned. ”Then, I can sign the real one now.”

Charlton smiled seeing Serena all excited. His contract has half that amount, but he was only signing for 1 year. Dividends would then depend on his agreement with the artists he would be working with later. Anyway, it was not very strict, but it was stipulated that in a year, he must be able to help produce at least 18 songs. He can manage that much. It was a fair contract. ”Mine is also acceptable.”

”Great. Now Let's move on to the schedule. I was thinking of holding the signing event on the 1st week of June, a little tight, but gives me time to wrap up 'we are the world' locally and garner all the press to be there. What do you think?”

Serena shook her head. ”I'm afraid that it would be a very busy week because the week after that would be our finals. Perhaps sometime in mid-June. That would be the start of our vacation. By the way, just for heads up, I won't be in the kingdom for 2 weeks, I estimate from the last week of June up to the 1st week of July.”

Charlton was surprised, she haven't told him about that.

Serena seeing his expression chose to explain, ”I just got it confirmed yesterday. Remember from the signing event? Gizel's parents invited me to Militeia, so I'm heading there with the girls.”

Edward nodded his head, ”Alright, we can work with mid-June” then he looked at the calendar ”Does the 17th, a Sunday, sound good?”

Thinking that that is after the finals and the year-end ball. Serena nodded her head in agreement. Although she was thinking for the day after the graduation, she doesn't want to delay Gizel by waiting for next Sunday. Travel to Militeia will take 2 days by boat and her parents' anniversary is on the 28th.

”Yes, I find that agreeable.”

Charlton also nodded his head. ”Me too. I think that's fine.”

”alright then, now for this event, I would only be inviting the press. Then, we can release Serena's song a few days or a week after. What do you think? Any suggestion?”

”I think that timing would be better if we were release it on the second day after the signing event. News would have already circulated in that short period and the timing would be good as a lot of nobles would be in the area because of the graduation. I just think it would be better for the sales. Anyway, me and Charlton can record it ahead of time. Like end of May? We still have 2-3 weeks.”

”That could also work, by the way, Edward, have you found professional instrumentalists like I requested?” Charlton asked.

”Yes, I can ask them to come over tomorrow if you have time.”

Charlton shook his head, ”tomorrow I have to head to the orphanage. Next Saturday will do.” then he took a deep breath. Deym, he wants to spend more alone time with Serena, but his schedule is so packed. Anyway, next Saturday, perhaps, they can visit their love nest again after meeting and working with the professional instrumentalists. Then, on Sunday, maybe she's up to go and see Normandy with him?