29 Are You Messing With Me Right Now? (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 49970K 2022-07-22

Lanya continued to fight monsters in the travel. She was now at the eighth level, she almost was as strong as Night in her draconic form. After the awakening of her inheritance, her Light magic became silver and her magic output was a lot stronger than before.

With their new speed they arrived at the undead territory earlier.

”It still took three days though. If it was me, we would have arrived the first day, I even took the opportunity of releasing my killing intent to scan the continent so I could have teleported us” Arima said out of nowhere

Night laughed dryly and Lanya's expression reddened, in shame or anger, or both.

”Still, that's an undead zone for sure” Arima said after he looked around. The whole place lacked any kind of verdure. The gra.s.s was blue and yellow, the trees didn't have any leaves and their trunks were practically rotten. And even the atmosphere seemed to be of a different colour. The landscape also looked like a savanna.

”Where are the undead?” Night tilted his head and asked

”Under your feet” Arima said

”Ah?” Night looked at the ground and tried to use a detection magic and he clearly freaked out a bit

”Mh? What's wrong master?” Lanya was curious and was about to scan the ground when Night stopped her hurriedly

”Y-You don't have to look” He said ”How many?” He looked at Arima and asked

Arima pondered, he raised one finger then another one, and then two others and showed them to Night

”Four? Four thousand? Million?” Night asked confused

Arima shook his head ”Fifty million per finger” He said

”What's wrong with your scale?!” Night shouted ”No, wait! Fifty million?! Two hundred million?!” Night suddenly realized and Lanya also was shocked when she heard the number.

”Yeah, for the ones weak enough to be sensed, there was two hundred million of them” Arima said and lightly stomped ”All underground”

”Seriously? What are we supposed to do now?” Night asked

”Well, this zone is quite big, it even goes until the frontlines, I also don't want to eliminate all of them, getting rid of two hundred million zombies sounds really tiresome” He said ”I'll just aim for the strongest, the undead possess a leader and it's thanks to him that the undead can more or less stay as territory, of course that leader can control zombies but can't control all of them, he can at most make them stay in a limiter perimeter but can't tell them to attack something and someone to all of them” Arima said what he learned from the succubus.

”What? Are you going to aim that leader?” Lanya asked

”No, I said I won't make any imbalance, I'll just head where that leader is supposed to stay, and I'm sure we'll find some high rank undead around the place” Arima answered

”Where is that supposed to be?” Night also asked

”When I scanned this territory, I saw there was only one edifice in it” Arima said

”An edifice?”

”Yeah, it looked like a mausoleum, it's most likely something like a castle here” Arima looked in a direction ”It's around another thousand kilometers in that direction” He said. He turned towards Lanya ”Of course, we'll go there by foot, now you can fly but you still need more training on ground” He said and Night nodded

Lanya was speechless, she felt abnormal around those two.

”The undead only get out of the ground in the night apparently” Arima added before mounting his summoned lion ”So, that's for you” Arima said and snapped his fingers, mana escaped his body like a fountain and his aura was condensed in a pillar that flew to the sky. The clouds gathered and totally covered the sky, the worse was that the black thunder clouds Arima summoned were extremely dense and supressed every ray of light coming from the sun.

”What-!” Lanya was going to stop Arima when the ground under her cracked and a hand grabbed her ankle. She freaked out and instinctively used her silver light, the hand and its owner were turned to ashes by the light.

Arima and Night just burned every zombie below them before they could go out and observed the surroundings, countless undead crawled out, humans, animals, beasts, monsters, all of them had bones and flesh missing, some of them were just bones, others just were a lump of flesh.

”Wow, what a 'cool' sight” Arima exclaimed ”Well, good luck” He took out some mithril and began to work on it for some reason

Lanya didn't even bother to say something, directly transformed and attacked the undead with light magic, which worked pretty well on them. Then like before, Night coached her while Arima kept working behind on his summoned beast.

They kept that state for around ten hours. This time it really was night and Arima dispersed the clouds. When he dispersed the clouds he looked at the stars on a whim and his eyes widened. He stood up on his lion instantly and carefully looked at the stars.

”What is he doing?” Lanya asked Night

”I don't know. He does some strange things sometimes; don't mind, I'm sure he'll explain it later on his own” Night said and munched on a piece of meat.

Arima stared at the starry sky, his eyes were already glowing in a bright light. He stood up there for around ten minutes without moving and finally got off of the lion with a stiff expression.

”Hey, Arima, what's wrong?” Night asked, earlier he thought there was nothing to worry about, but now he thought that something was strange.

Lanya looked anxiously for some reason.

”Why?” Arima only muttered that and didn't answer to Night. He took out Superbia in a kind of urgent manner. He laid down on the ground and pointed the rifle at the sky and looked through the scope ”Night, resonate with me, get ready to use the 'One hundred parade', Lanya you escape as far as you can” Arima said hurriedly, Night was shocked but soon resonated with Arima.

Lanya was also the same, that was the first time Arima called her by her name, she thought it was strange and listened to him, she deployed her wings and flew in the sky.

”{What is going on?}” Night asked