39 Its Time To Begin (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 49520K 2022-07-22

”Absorb? What are you talking about?” The dinosaur frowned ”How could you absorb it? Where would you send the magma? You can't put it into your storage, it's too dense and powerful, you also can't teleport that kind of matter without risking to miscalculate the distance” He said

”I know all of that” Arima waved his hand ”Don't mind about that, just bring me the Dravinite you have” He said

After Arima asked, the dragon ultimately brought him a huge purple rock.

”That's all the Dravinite we have” The T-Rex said

”Thanks, that's enough” Arima took the rock in his storage and turned towards the creva.s.se

”What are you going to do?” The dragon asked

”I'm going to use the magma as a fire to reforge my soul weapon. The Dravinite has absorbing characteristics, it can absorb other metals and fuse with it to upgrade itself, I'm going to use all the metals I have with me and forcefully integrate them in the Dravinite and then reforge Karma. Of course, normally, I wouldn't be able to mix that much metals, but if I use this magma then I think I can do it, it has some magic properties so it should work. Also, the main reason is that Karma is bounded to my soul and while it's restoring itself, it's in an ethereal state, which should be able to accept the new material” Arima explained ”Basically, I will trigger a fusion between the multiple metals I have and use the magma to stabilize it and compress it in my soul. Ultimately, the most important thing in all of this is whether my soul can withstand the compression and fusion or not”

The two beasts more or less understood what Arima was going to do, they knew what was a soul binding and they were a bit surprised when they learned that Arima had succeeded in doing it but they only had one question for him about his plan ”How?” They asked at the same time

Arima grinned, he released his aura ”[Cutis Salamandra] (Salamander Skin)” He chanted, his skin became strangely hard and stony and the color turned into a dark red. Arima directly jumped in the creva.s.se, he used 'Zeus' and became a bolt of lightning that flew to the bottom.

The two beasts were shocked as they looked at Arima falling down. The latter kept falling until he saw the hot magma rising, he accelerated and dived in. The moment, he dived into the lava, he became extremely slow and a wave of extreme heat a.s.saulted him. He pushed through the lava and continued to go deeper. He kept doing that for almost an hour, when he finally stopped. He judged he was around the bottom of the magma chamber.

He opened his eyes that looked like volcanic rocks, he waved his hand and started writing something with magic


”[Infragilis, Aeternus, Periculo, Ultrix, Protector] (Unbreakable, Eternal, Dangerous, Avenging, Protector)”

”[Coronam auream] (Golden Crown)”

He wrote and the words formed a hundred meters wide spherical golden barrier, the barrier had a strange ornament on top of it that looked like a crown. The barrier repulsed the lava and was now an empty spot in the magma. Soon after, a silver light appeared inside the sphere, next, Arima put the Dravinite in the barrier, the metal began to revolve around Karma like an electron. Arima didn't stop there, he took out around ninety percent of all the metals he had in his storage, adamant.i.te, mithril, orichalc.u.m, he added all of these with a lot of different other types.

The several units of metal hovered around Karma and totally shrouded the silver light. At that moment, Arima began to work, he placed his hands on the sphere and closed his eyes.

Inside the barrier, Karma glowed and connected with the purple metal, the two began to glow together and fuse. After that, all of the other metals started to glow in different colors one after another. They all transformed in blocks of light that began to move towards Karma at the same time.

When around five different metals connected with Karma, the first rejection occurred and the sphere cracked. Arima glanced at the crack and instantly fixed it

”(I need to hold this barrier for five minutes)” Arima thought ”(If I don't, Karma will explode one more time along with all the metals here)” Arima smiled in the lava. There was actually something he didn't tell to the dragon and the T-Rex

”(If I lose control over that barrier too early, then forget about destroying the region, it's the whole continent that's doomed)” He smiled wryly ”(Well, I didn't know I would do something like that before coming here, I should have brought Night)” He thought and then saw a crack forming and directly repaired it.

”(Well, that should give him some experience, he only fought Aria's soul beast alone after all)” Arima brushed it off and concentrated on the barrier


In the spirit realm. Night was nonchalantly sleeping when Vinia entered the room and told him that the human prince will come tomorrow.

Night yawned ”I see, that's good then, I'll be able to take care of it faster than I thought” He said after waking up. Then he raised his ear and looked towards a certain direction ”Arima is doing something interesting apparently” He mumbled

”Mh?” Lanya tilted her head when she heard Night's mumble

”Ooh” And Lilis was delighted ”What kind?” She asked

Night shook his head ”I don't know; I just know that Arima is really expectant of the result of what he is doing” He said

”Tch” Lilis clicked her tongue and then she thought of something ”Why don't you tell me where he is right now? I can go there directly” She said

”No. I'm sure Arima don't want you to follow him everywhere” He refused and Lilis began to pout.

”Hum, Lilis, master, we can visit the spirit realm to pa.s.s time” Lanya proposed and Lilis smiled and directly agreed to it while Night tensed.


”Do you think it's going well?” The dragon asked to the T-Rex

”I don't know, what he said, I don't think it's impossible but I'm sure it's really hard” The dinosaur said ”Maybe…Maybe he didn't tell us the consequences if he failed!” He suddenly realized and shouted.

At that exact moment, the earth began to shake and an earthquake spread to the whole continent, followed by a strange aura.


While she was calmly walking in the amus.e.m.e.nt park, Lilis felt the earthquake but what shocked her was the aura that followed just after.

She turned her head towards the beast territory ”Impossible!” She shouted ”It's the aura of a transcendental weapon in its creation process!” A thought suddenly jolted her mind, she glanced at Night who was looking in the same direction as her ”('An interesting thing'? Is it that man's doing? Are you telling me that he has a soul strong enough to forge a transcendental weapon with only the materials of this world?)” She thought and her expression became stiff ”(How much monstrous do you want to become before you're satisfied?)”


Arima had successfully hold for five minutes. When he released the barrier, Karma and all the metals became a strange gathering of different colors, the moment the magma touched it Arima directed forced it to accept it, at the same moment, Karma released a strange aura and the whole volcano began to shake.