40 Thats A Good Sword (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 45980K 2022-07-22

Arima had finished the first phase of the fusion. Now he just had to compress it and make it return to its original shape. The magma chamber was now totally empty, like it became a giant cave. Of course, the excess of magma going up stopped too. Allowing the dragon and the T-Rex to rest.

But although there wasn't any lava left, the place was still extremely hot and it's not like the 'source' itself of the volcano had disappeared. Arima just got rid of the acc.u.mulated magma, in maybe a few thousands of years, the problem will come back.

”(Well, that's not my problem. I'm sure the next generations will have an idea to deal with it)” Arima thought. He looked at the giant lava sword hovering in the air in front of him. The shape of the sword was extremely crude and its size was around ten meters in length.

”Now, it's time to begin” Arima smiled and connected his soul and mind to Karma. The moment he did that he coughed some blood and was struck by mental attack. Arima brushed the blood and sighed ”As expected, it will be harder from now on” He said. His body became shrouded in a black mist and he instantly took his skeleton form ”I won't take physical damage, but my soul is still in peril so let's finish this quickly” He said and began to work


”A dragon…” Drannoc's guard exclaimed. She stepped in front of the prince to protect him.

Night cracked his neck ”It's been a long time since I fought in a one vs one alone, the last time also the first time, except Arima. So, let's have fun” He smirked ”Now, it's time to begin”

Night flapped his wings and charged first. He shrouded his claw in black fire and attacked Fayla with it. The latter's black dress began to become blurry like darkness itself, that darkness met head on with Night's fist. Already creating a shockwave to the surroundings.

Fayla took out a golden sword and swung it at the dragon's chest, at the same moment the sound of electricity resounded and a lightning attacked at the same time as the sword.

Night conjured a sphere of compressed fire and used it to clash with lightning. That explosion directly destroyed the whole room of the mansion.

Night breathed in, sparks and flames escaped through his fangs, he roared and a black fire ball hit Fayla in close range. That additional explosion now completely destroyed the second floor of the mansion.

Fayla, in hurry, pushed the prince out of the mansion. She used a thunder s.h.i.+eld to block the fire and countered by conjuring a huge thunder spear which she threw to the sky. The clouds gathered like with Arima and thunder rumbled, a powerful lightning instantly fell from the sky and attacked Night.

The red lines on the latter's body s.h.i.+ned and his body became surrounded by flames. He extended his hand to the sky and caught the lightning with it. The ground where he was standing cracked and he fell directly to the ground floor of the mansion. The flames surrounding his body moved and enveloped the lightning and the two exploded together, destroying what was left of the mansion.

While Night was receiving the lightning, Fayla attacked and aimed to cut the dragon's throat. Night deflected the blow with his tail and conjured a dozen of small spheres of compressed fire and threw them at her.

Fayla's black dress blurred and became darkness, her speed raised and she jumped back, at the same time, the thunder clouds condensed one more lightning that clashed with the spheres.

The two attacks exploded together and covered the area in a mile radius, destroying some attractions of the amus.e.m.e.nt park at the same time.

After the explosion, Night and Fayla were left staring at each other. They didn't look tired at all.

Night grinned ”You're pretty good” He said

”You too” The woman kept a stone face and responded while looking around

”You're looking for that guy?” Night asked ”He must be fighting with Lanya right now. Don't worry, their fight is fair” He smiled and said ”They are at the same level, but Lanya is almost at the ninth level and her draconic form is powerful too, if you want to save your prince, you should hurry”

Fayla stared at him ”Then let's go seriously, I want to finish this” She said and her eyes glowed in a golden light. The clouds in the sky began to multiply and lighting started to fall continuously.

Night let out a chuckle, his fire appeared everywhere around him. He also conjured a great sword made of fire and put it on his shoulder ”Fine by me”

They both charged at the same time. Night swung his sword and clashed with Fayla's. In terms of physical size and strength, Fayla was greatly pressured so she just deflected the great sword. Night profited of that moment to shroud his other claw with fire and punch Fayla. The latter narrowly avoided and Night struck the ground, creating a huge crater. She raised her sword and a lightning fell on it before she swung it down on Night.

Night waved his tail and struck Fayla's side to stop her attack. He created a fire ball in his palm and hit her directly with that. She gathered lightning around her sword and blocked the fire ball with it. She received the strike and flew away for hundreds of meters. Her dress fluttered and she landed gently. She didn't look injured at all.

”Tch” Night clicked his tongue. At first sight, this fight may look like it's in a stalemate but it's actually Fayla who is controlling the rhythm, also, Night couldn't keep the dimension as long as Arima. Night dispelled his sword. He flapped his wings and flew to the sky. He stopped around a kilometer away from the ground. He released his aura to the maximum and the clouds above him were dispersed. The lines on his body began to s.h.i.+ne brighter. Soon his whole body glowed in a red hue.

”[Et evigilare faciatis, hic et nunc] (I awaken, here and now)” He began to chant

”[Et dominabitur super orbem terrarum flammis Draco ex Deo] (I'll dominate the world with the flames of the Dragon G.o.d)” Black flames gathered around him like a spiral and formed a giant sphere of fire around him. A black sun with a mile diameter appeared in the sky with Night in its center.

Fayla judged that she couldn't escape that attack so she decided to take that magic head on.

”[Strike and burn this lower world]” She chanted and thunder gathered around her

”[Materialize here to destroy the hope of my enemy]” The thunder she called slowly transformed into a giant thunder trident.