168 Were Stuck, Arent We? (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 43110K 2022-07-22

On a planet full of nature and life, without any kind of building, a land dragon was running in the wild when he suddenly stopped to look up at the sky illuminated by three different suns.

The temperature on that planet was very high, it almost went over 50°C but the plants could grow and live easily even in that environment.

This planet was the territory of dragons, Fantasia. The one Chronepsis told Arima about. The size of the planet was shockingly big. For comparison, it was even bigger than the sun in Arima's world while the three stars it was...o...b..ting around orderly were at least ten times bigger each.

The brown land dragon frowned as he looked up at the sky. The atmosphere seemed to be similar to Earth's as the sky was of a beautiful light blue.

In that clear sky, intriguing dots of white light s.h.i.+ned and fell like snowflakes on the ground. The dragon only blinked for a split of a second and before he knew, there was three hundred meters long creature in the sky.

The two pairs of white wings were glowing and the divine presence stunned the dragon. Then, he suddenly spotted a shadow falling off the giant creature.

”Ah” He raised his voice unconsciously when the black and silver figure crashed on the ground.


When Deva ended the dimensional jump, the light of the suns was so bright compared to h.e.l.l's that both Layla and Karma covered her eyes by reflex.

When they opened their eyes again, they watched blankly as Arima's silhouette was already falling down Deva.

”Ah” The two girls exclaimed and didn't react in time.

”{Eh?}” Night was confused and felt the impact when Arima's body created a crater on the vast plain. As he was laying down there, Arima suddenly opened his eyes with an annoyed expression.

”…What the h.e.l.l is this?” He asked.

”{…I think the small aftermaths of the dimensional jump made you fall since you were not conscious and not able to keep your balance}” Night answered and Arima groaned as he stood up. He had a huge headache because of the exhaustion.

He looked up at Deva with dead eyes and signaled her to land. Deva nodded slightly and started descending slowly. The land dragon looking from afar squinted his eyes then turned around to leave.

Arima glanced lazily in his direction and sighed ”{By the way, Arima}” Night called. His voice sounded a little odd ”{…Did you notice?}”

”{…Yes}” Arima's expression turned awkward.

”{We're stuck, aren't we?}” Night uttered and Arima rubbed his face. Just after that, Deva reached the ground and the earth shook with her weight alone and a cloud of dust raised.

Layla and Karma jumped from her back and went to Arima immediately. Layla tiled her head and lifted her head to look at Arima ”Why are you still in that form? It's a bit hard to face you” She said.

Arima's eye twitched and he turned his head away from her as if he was fleeing her gaze. Layla furrowed and stared at him ”What is it?”

”{We're stuck}” Since Arima wasn't answering; maybe because he was tired and ashamed at the same time, Night answered for him.

”Stuck?” Layla was confused and Karma gaped as she thought of something.

”{We can't go back from this form…}” Night responded and Layla blanked ”{Well, you know…we forced the Final Resonance because we were not capable of doing it in the first place. We used Libra to do it…}” He paused ”{But, now, we can't release it…haha…haaa}” Night tried to laugh but his voice died down soon enough.

”Eh? Is that permanent?” Karma and Layla were fl.u.s.tered. Both for they own reasons.

”Who knows” Arima shrugged ”I don't think so. I just have to find a way to do it”

The two girls were speechless then Karma's eyes widened for some reason ”Does that mean I won't be able to tease Night?”

She said it so innocently that Arima snickered ”{…Hey}”

While they were talking together, Deva half-closed her eyes and was completely lying down as if she was ready to sleep at any moment.

”Mm?” Arima scanned the surroundings and shook his head ”Just get out. It's disgraceful” He spoke and numerous presences appeared around his group.

Along with the land dragon Arima let go earlier, there was at least another twenty dragons surrounding them. They were all pretty small compared to Arima who was around eighty meters tall. But there was a n.o.ble dragon among them who was quite big, and strong enough to almost be on par with the Heavenly Realm.

”…May I ask; who are you?” That same dragon raised his voice to speak with Arima. He seemed to be very cautious with his words.

Arima smiled ”Arimane Blade. You can call me Arima”

The n.o.ble dragon trembled. He didn't know how to respond. In the first place, he just came here because one of them spotted a mysterious creature carrying a really strong looking dragon on its back. He was obliged to check who it was and determine if he was a threat. Even more considering the fact that strange, unknown mud-like monsters had appeared across their territory.