171 It May Work (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 44210K 2022-07-22

Arima tried to land as lightly as possible but the earth still shook and a small crater opened in the middle of the big village which could be called a town.

The dragon's silver mane fluttered and the inhabitants who witnessed the landing were put into a trance. Arima looked around and observed the people of this planet.

”(Humans?... No)” Arima thought for a second but when he saw all the people with different skin colors like blue, green, pink, and red, he dismissed the idea.

This race had another name; the Ranians. They were even more spread and numerous than humans. They possessed around the same average intelligence as humans if not a little lower, but their physical abilities were quite different.

With each different color, there was a certain resistance or ability that came with it. Some could breathe underwater, be immune to fire and breath it naturally, be as hard as stone, and others.

”(Well, it's not really the point here)” Arima thought. He folded his wings and walked toward one of the Ranians there. The blue-skinned guy panicked. He wanted to flee but the shadow and pressure brought by the giant dragon made him even impossible to move his head.

”Hey” Arima called and everyone listening s.h.i.+vered in fear. The situation for the Ranians at the moment was like prey in front of the hunter. They all thought that they were going to die. They heard that dragons were aggressive on top of being insanely strong.

”If you don't resist, you'll live” What Arima uttered after made the Ranian's mind blank. Just after, the Arima pointed his finger at him. A mysterious will and energy entered his head. He felt scared but he immediately remembered the dragon's words and didn't move or resist.

After a few seconds, Arima retrieved his spirit and smiled ”There are only Ranians on this planet then. The rest are animals, beasts, and monsters. And of course, Téra”

”Good enough. Now I have the spiritual signature of your race. I need to recover quickly so you'll help me” Arima said in a loud voice and even the chef who had just arrived and had gray skin stopped moving.

”I'll say it now” Arima smirked ”Many will die” He said and everyone paled. Arima's sigil glowed along with his eyes. The dragon looked up at the sky ”[Judicandus] (Be judged)” He started chanting.

”[Vel poenas non morietur] (Be punished or die)”

”[Condemnetur ad iudicium] (Be condemned after the verdict)”

”[Non potes effugere oculis meis] (You can't escape my eyes)”

”[Quamdiu vos habere vestrum] (As long as you have yours)”

”[At illa erit] (You will look at them)”

”[Fifth Black Art, Causam Finalem, Penitentia conspiciunt] (Final Case, Penance Stare)” Arima finished chanting the Art and a whirlpool of darkness appeared in the sky. That dark ma.s.s covered the whole sky soon enough.

If you looked at the planet from s.p.a.ce, you would see that it was starting to be consumed. The color of the ground and water was being overwritten and blackened.

The ranians looked up anxiously. They felt as if their hearts were being squeezed; that they were under the threat of bursting at any moment. Then, something happened that brought them absolute fear.

A giant pair of eyelids was formed in the darkness. They opened slowly and the pupils of the dragon were staring down at the ground with a red and purple hue. The Ranians couldn't help but look at it. As if they had been ordered to do so and couldn't go against it.

It wasn't the only pair of eyes that appeared. A few other pairs formed for every inhabitant of the planet to see. Arima's eyes were glowing with an ominous light as he looked at the sky too.

He didn't say anything at all and one Ranian screamed and suddenly lost all of his life force in a second. The people around him screamed but when they saw he just had lost consciousness, they sighed in relief. But they also realized that the man had lost all of his power.

The next one in this particular town screamed like the previous Ranian. But this one not only saw all of his life force disappear; his life was also robbed. Then, the Ranians became even more agitated. Now, they didn't even know how victims were chosen and why. And if everyone was going to go through what they saw.

The same phenomenon occurred across the entire planet. Even certain beasts and animals were knocked or killed like that while giving their life force away.

After tens of people had died on the town Arima was in, someone finally realized and exclaimed in shock. He even looked at Arima with a respect unknown to his peers.

”It's only criminals!” When he shouted that. Everyone frowned. Even the chef looked at the corpses doubly. But when he went through all of them, his eyes widened. Among those people, there were some who had a bad historic and others who had a bad reputation.

It also seemed that those with lighter crimes were only deprived of their life force but not killed. The ones who had died were the ones who actually deserved death from Arima's perspective.

The chef looked back at Arima with a strange look while the other inhabitants looked like they were in the presence of a G.o.d. But there were others who were upset because an outsider had suddenly killed many of theirs.

Arima glanced at them and ignored them. He didn't want to involve himself with them. He just wanted the life force and then he would send them to another planet before s.n.a.t.c.hing the core. It was far from a good deed in his opinion so he ignored the grat.i.tude, admiration or hate.