239 I Have A Present For You (1/2)

Life Hunter Ahra Manyu 46670K 2022-07-22

Malum leaped through the portal and fell into a chaotic place. The scenery was quite dark and filled with people killing each other. Most of the s.p.a.ce was taken by the same types of monster which he met earlier. They were not all like turtles though. Some were giant serpents, or bulls, golems, two-headed birds, and other strange animals and chimeras.

And, indeed, as Malum saw before crossing, there were two peculiar beasts fighting with their bare hands in the middle of everyone. One of them simply resembled a giant ape while the other looked like a sort of dinosaur covered by a rocky carapace. The fact that he was standing on his two hind legs, and waggling large tail, truly reminded one of G.o.dzilla.

Those two were not the only powerful individuals there. Not only were there many t.i.tanic beings in that battlefield, but there was also an incalculable number of smaller, humanoid fighters.

Inside of that messy site, Malum's and Shakti's appearance didn't amount to much. This entire battle seemed to spread for thousands of miles. Every flying island which wasn't actually a living being had been destroyed while the actual monsters dwelling there had either fled or joined the combat.

Malum snorted and back punched one small creature who tried to swallow him. He didn't even look at him directly and grabbed the animal's tongue before burning him from the inside ”Did you find them?”

”Yes” s.h.i.+va nodded ”As expected, those two goliaths wrestling in plain sight are two of them. As for which is which… I'd say the ape is a Pillar while the other is a Guardian” Compared to Malum, s.h.i.+va's ability for magic control and sense is awfully superior. She's probably better than Arima when it comes to mana manipulation. A genius that perfectly filled up Malum's weakness.

”It seems that more have died since Sir Jorga was here though. There are only ten of them left. Six Guardians and four Pillars… All of them, except those two big ones, are quite far from here. Seven thousand miles to the north, there are two Guardians fencing off one Pillar. There's a 1v1, five thousand miles to the south and finally, one Pillar fighting against the two last Guardians, more than ten thousand miles to the west…”

Malum sneered ”It seems that the winner is clear. The Pillars won't last much longer” He breathed in and contracted his muscles. He opened his hand and his scale's glowed. A weapon materialized and he immediately grabbed it. It was the soul weapon that Malum had forged for himself. A black and silver scythe.

He wielded it like a whirlwind and smirked. He shouldered it and released his aura. The weaker monsters near him were shredded to pieces ”[Berserker Scriptor Semita] (Berserker's Path)” He chanted and flapped his wings. He conjured an explosion just behind which propelled him even faster toward his destination. Shakti sighed helplessly as she held onto his shoulder. Her eyes s.h.i.+ned and the same snow-white color covered Malum.

The latter reached the giant ape in the blink of a second. He laughed loudly and struck the beast's head with his palm. The eyes of the G.o.dzilla widened and before he knew it, the gorilla he was fighting with just a second ago had been flung to his face while bleeding from the nose, eyes, and mouth.

As he fell down, he heard an incantation followed by a terrifying roar ”[Ars Berserker, Voca Messorem Scriptor] (Berserker Art, Reaper's Call)” Malum's scythe became even bigger than his own body and glowed with a threatening red light.

He swung it downward and impaled both giants at the same time. The ape howled in pain and grabbed the blade as he was falling together with his previous opponent. Malum's grinned and transferred a stupid amount of mana into his weapon. His muscles were torn apart and his scythe made a metallic sound before it broke and exploded.

The flames of the discharge were compressed and locked inside a sort of spherical barrier. Malum retrieved his weapon and put it back inside his soul to restore it ”Thanks for the help” He smiled and said.

Shakti sighed again and lowered her arm which was pointing at the barrier containing the explosion ”Honestly, I wish you'd hold back a little. I won't be able to keep up at this rate” Although Shakti was not involved in the fight, she was still one of the biggest actors.

The reason why Arima put her and Malum together in a single team was that they were the best combination possible. She was the best support Malum could ever ask for. Now, each time he uses the 'Berserker's Path', Shakti will regulate his mana flow and reduce the damages done to his body by relinquis.h.i.+ng the excess. She was also there to heal or stop him if necessary.

All of that meant one thing, Malum could now use the 'Berserker's Path' safely, but only if he were to use it the same way he was used to. With Shakti's help, he could reach another limit and there was no way he would pa.s.s on that.

”Don't worry, I'm sure you can do it. I trust you” Malum declared and squinted his eyes. The barrier made by Shakti was dispelled once the explosion had ended. The giant ape immediately exited the cloud of smoke and crashed on a distant island, dead.

But in contrast, the G.o.dzilla growled like an enraged beast and wagged his tail to disperse the smoke ”Why would you do this? Who are you?” He raised his voice and you could see that the wound made by the scythe had already healed.

”Oh, so you survived. Were you tough enough?” Malum mused ”Nah, you must have used that monkey's corpse to protect yourself from the blow. Not bad” He laughed and spread his arms wide. He grasped the air and two new scythes appeared. The stone goliath grunted ”Normally, I would have killed you both without even using the 'Berserker's Path' or my weapons, but this reality weakens me after all”

Malum grabbed the chain hanging from the handle of one of his scythes and made it spin with it ”Well, instead of two seconds, you'll die in five. Wasn't really worth your effort to survive, don't you think?” He mocked and flung one his spinning scythe.

The large beast easily repelled it with his tail but lost sight on his enemy in the next instant. Before he could react, a curved blade was touching his neck. He felt killing intent behind him for a second then blacked out as his arteries and spine were cut.
