71 A bad feeling (1/2)

I was doing my job taking Julia's measurements diligently when I thought I need to make small talk to know why she was being so obedient.

”Don't worry Julia. Even with this little time I am sure to make you the most beautiful gown a bride can wear.” I said. ”I will make you the most beautiful woman on your wedding day to 'Brad'.” I emphasized a little bit in the name.

I feel Julia stir a bit while taking her measurements. I smirked internally.

”I am sure you will be happy marrying him. I didn't know you were in a relationship. Why did you hide it?” I asked. ”Looking at it Brad is a good looking man. And also he is the heir to the Collin company. He is a perfect match for you Julia. I'm happy for you.” I smiled happily.

”You...” Julia snapped in anger.

”Julia!” Victoria shouted at her. Julia wasn't able to finish what she was about to say and began to calm down and became silent.

”I'm sorry for that Queenie. Please continue.” Victoria gestured her hand for me to continue taking Julia's measurements.

After taking Julia's measurements we were preparing to depart. Victoria walked us to the door.

”Queenie I'm sorry if all the preparations were given to you.” Victoria apologized. ”I can't leave Julia here all alone. I'm afraid that she would do something stupid.”

'What, like kill herself.' I thought.

”It's okay Victoria. Daddy gave me this task so I am certain to do this perfectly. And also Julia is my stepsister. I want to make her wedding day perfect.” I give her a fake smile.

”Thank you.” Victoria said.