70 Wedding preparations (1/1)

Like father said, the wedding was set on New Years day. Julia was on house arrest in one of our villas in the outskirts of the city. She was still reluctant to get married so I was the one doing almost everything on the preparations.

”Andrea, please run down on our checklist.” I asked Andrea. We were inside the car going to the villa where Julia was.

”Catering service, check. Venue, check. Photo studio services, check. We are only down with the flower arrangements and the wedding gown.” Andrea said. ”Queenie, tell me why did you take on this job? You're working your ass out for your sister's wedding. Not only that but you're the one to design and make her wedding gown.”

I giggled. ”Well it's the least I can do to give her back what she did to me. This is the biggest payback I have done to date. Her dream to marry Shawn is shattered in bits and pieces.” I said. ”She is still reluctant to get married but she can't delay the inevitable. Wether she like it or not she will marry Brad this new year.”

”I'm curious why Julia's mother isn't doing anything to prevent the wedding.” Andrea said.

”Yes, me too. I was sure she was going to do something about it.” I said curiously. ”But she's just staying silent. Also daddy said Victoria gave a go signal to this marriage. That's why Julia is still hysterical until now.”

”We have arrived Ms. Queenie.” Sawyer said while bringing the car to a stop.

I opened the door and exited the car. Andrea was just behind me. I was here in the villa to get Julia's measurements for her wedding gown. I have made a draft of the design in a hurry and I need to do overtime just to finish it just before the wedding day.

”Andrea once I start making the gown I'll let you finish up the final preparations. I will be focusing on the gown so I can finish it before the wedding. I still have to make an impressive job because my name as a designer is on the line.” I wink at Andrea and she giggled.

I opened the door and Victoria was there to greet us.

”Queenie dear. I have been waiting for you.” Victoria greeted me. ”Come, Julia is waiting in the living room.”

Victoria lead the way to the living room. When we entered I saw Julia sitting obediently.

”Julia, Queenie is here to get your measurements for the wedding gown.” Victorias said. Julia simply nodded.

'That's odd. I thought she would still be reluctant and throw tantrums. But now she is so submissive.' I thought to myself.

I put my bag of equipment in the center table and get the measuring tape in it.

”Julia can you stand up. So I can take your measurements.” I said politely. She was still a client of mine so I need to be professional.

Julia shot a look at me in anger but she said nothing. She stood up and let me take her measurements.