104 Maldives (1/2)

I was taking a short nap after breakfast when I heard the intercom beep.

”Good morning. This is your captain speaking. We have already entered Maldives airspace. We will be nearing Gan International Airport. We will be starting our descend shortly so please buckle your seatbelts.” The captain said.

I was sleepily rubbing my eyes when I felt someone buckle my seatbelt. When I look who it was, Troy was there giving me a warm smile.

”Did you have a nice nap?” Troy asked caressing my cheeks.

”Hmm, yes.” I nodded and smiled at him.

”Once we get to the airport a car will be picking us up and drive as to our destination.” Troy said.

”Where are we going to stay?” I was curious. We will be here for 15 days 14 nights. I'm a little excited.

”You'll see when we get there.” Troy gives me a smile.

I sighed. He really loves surprises. I can't do anything but play along.

Troy saw my neutral face. ”Don't worry, you'll know soon. And I'm sure you'll love it.” He assured me.

Just by looking at me Troy knew that I was a little irritated. I am very fortunate to have him as my husband. He knows me so well.

I gave him a smile just to show him I'm not so irritated but rather impatient.

'Ting' the intercom beeped.

”We will now start our descend. Please open your window blinds to enjoy the scenery outside.” The captain said.

I opened the window blinds just beside me. Outside I see the clear blue skies. When I look down I can see the clear waters of the ocean. A smile crept on my face. My amazement was evident.

Troy looked at me with warmth and affection.

”It looks so beautiful. Troy look.” I told him.

”Yes. It's really beautiful.” Troy replied. But what I didn't know was he was looking at me and not the scenery outside.

Then I felt the plane started to descend. My anxiety jumped in.

”Don't worry love. We will be landing soon.” Troy said holding my hand and gently squeezing it.

”Sorry.” I looked at him guiltily. ”It seems I can't overcome these things about planes for now.” I said shyly.

”It's okay. I'm always here beside you.” Troy said. He picks up my hand that he was holding and gently pressed his lips on the back. My heart squeezed with love. My angel is always here for me. I am feeling so much happiness.

After a few minutes I feel the plane landed on the runway. My heart skipped a bit while landing and squeezed Troy's hand. He felt this and gently caressed my hand.

After a few minutes after the plane touched down it came into a full stop.


”We have now landed at Gan International Airport. You can now exit the plane.” The captain said.

Troy helped me to unbuckle my seatbelt. We walked towards the cabin door. There we saw the two cabin crews and the pilots.

”Mr. and Mrs. Versales, thanks for having me as your captain.” The captain said extending his hand.

Troy shook his hand. ”It's a pleasure captain. I know that me and my wife are in capable hands with you flying.”

”Please enjoy your vacation here in Maldives. I will be coming back here to pick you up after 15 days.” The captain said.

”Thank you.” Troy said.

”Thank you.” I give my gratitude to the pilots and the cabin crew.

Troy held my hand and we descended the stairs.