114 Underground world 2 (1/1)

”I have been deep in the underground world. But I am just a spectator and don't do deals as much as I can help it.” Shawn started. ”But I still keep in touch with the news in the underground.””When Adrian started to work in his father's company, he has entered the underground world. There he has met many influential and strong people. He had won the hearts of such men, men who will do anything without a conscience.””Because of that his father's company became bigger until it became an empire. And now it is still growing in big numbers. It is said that his dealing within the black market are big, especially in drugs and human trafficking. And now he is one of the big bosses in the underground world.” Shawn was making a serious face.I was shocked. I have heard the dark dealings within the black market and the under world but this is the first time I have met someone who was really doing such things. I shivered with the thought.”I don't want to frighten you Jill. But please be careful.” Shawn said. ”Adrian is a very powerful man. I am afraid even the law can't do anything to him.””Do you think he would use the company for his dealings in the black market?” I was afraid that the company would be used for such evil intentions.”I hope not.” Shawn said. ”His partnership with honest companies such as yours are all clean or so I've heard.””I won't let him use our company for such evil things. I'm going to make sure of that.” I have decided that I will do my very best to protect the company and the people in it.Now that I have heard everything Shawn said about Adrian I wanted to withdraw from the contract. But we have made a verbal agreement and withdrawing now will further taint the company's reputation.”I know what your thinking.” Shawn suddenly said. ”I think it would be a bad idea to withdraw now. Especially that Adrian has his eyes on you. It would be best to get on with the partnership and be extra careful until the contract ends.”I nodded to Shawn in agreement. I just need to be extra careful in dealing with Adrian.”Here are your orders.” Tachibana-san arrived with the ramen we have ordered. My eyes went wide with excitement. Seeing the ramen made me forget of the problem about Adrian for a while.”Itadakimasu!” Shawn and I both said in unison.I get my chopsticks and dig in the bowl of noodles.”Hmmm. Delicious!” I said with a wide smile after taking a bite.”I'm glad you like it.” Shawn looked at me and also smiled.”Thanks for bringing me here. And also thank you for warning me about Adrian.” I said.”Your welcome Jill. Always remember that I'm always here to help.” Shawn said.I am happy to have Shawn by my side as a friend. I just wish that in the future he can find the right girl that would purely love him.