115 Coming home to you (1/1)

The day was about to end when I arrived at home.”It looks like Troy isn't home yet.” I thought.Now that me and Troy are married, Andrea moved out and found a good sized apartment for her own.”Good evening Mrs. Versales.” Nanny Sally greeted me with a smile.Nanny Sally was a middle aged woman. She was Troy's nanny since birth. I have known her since I was adopted by Troy's mother. She was a sweet gentle lady and cared for me since the day I have met her.”Nanny Sally, call me Jill.” I giggled and smiled at her. Mother-in-law told her to come and live with us, especially now that I am pregnant.”I'm just happy that you and sir Troy end yo together.” Nanny Sally smiled happily. ”Do you want something to eat something?””I'm going to wait for Troy nanny. What's for dinner.” I asked.”I'm cooking some beef stew.” Nanny Sally answered.”Hmm. I can't wait to taste your cooking again nanny.” I said with a smile.”Haha. Thank you. I'm going to the kitchen.” Nanny Sally said and walked away.I seat down at the couch of the living room. This day has been exhausting and I can't wait to eat, shower, and then sleep. I get my phone in my bag and speed dialed 1.'Ring ring'”Hello love.” Troy answered his phone.”Hello.” I smiled to myself. Hearing his voice makes my tiredness go away. ”I just got home. Where are you now?””I'm in the car and on the way home.” Troy said.”Nanny Sally is cooking beef stew. I'm going to wait for you so we can eat together.” I said enthusiastically.”Looks like you're appetite is beginning to come back.” Troy chuckled.”Hmm. Looks like little bump getting bigger and bigger is the culprit.” I said.”That's good.” Troy said. ”I will be home soon. Wait for me.””Okay. I love you.” I said.”I love you too.” Troy replied. I ended the call. After a few minutes I hear the car on the road and stopped at front.I immediately walked towards the front door to greet him.The doors opened and Troy came in.”Troy.” I greeted him with a hug.Troy's lips curved up with a smile and took me in his arms.”Hello love. I'm home.” Troy kissed the top of my head.”Welcome home.” I inhale his scent. I love the smell of him.”It's good to come home to you as my wife.” Troy was still smiling when he looked at me.He gave me a sweet blissful kiss. I feel his soft lips encircle mine. I can feel the sensation that it gives to my whole body.”Ahem.” Nanny Sally interrupted.Troy and I was surprised and ended our sweet kiss abruptly. The two of us looked embarrassed.”Sorry to interrupt you two love birds.” Nanny Sally said. ”But dinner is waiting in the dining room.””Oh okay.” Troy said awkwardly. ”Come let's eat.” Troy held my hand and pulled me gently towards the dining room.I looked at our intertwined hands. My heart was thumping with the affection and love I have for him. And I can feel his love for me as well.