116 A different kind of angel (1/1)

Troy and I are eating our dinner in the dining room.”How is your father's company?” Troy asked.”It was so bad that they feared the decrease of stocks would let the company file for bankruptcy.” I explained. ”It was a good thing that Shawn was there to help. He had pulled some strings and helped the company to avoid bankruptcy. Just thinking of our employees losing their jobs makes me sad.””I'm happy that Shawn was there to help your company.” Troy said before taking a bite from his spoon.”He is really a big help.” I agreed. ”Now what we need is to earn the trust of the investors that withdrawn their partnership or search for new investors.””Yes, you've mentioned about Adrian Montgomery.” Troy looked at me directly with a serious face.”Yes. He has expressed his willingness to form a partnership with our company. Knowing the Montgomery Busniess Empire, daddy was willing to form a partnership with him.” I said. I was fidgeting thinking of how to tell Troy about Adrian's condition.If Shawn knows about Adrian's power in the underground world then for sure Troy knows it as well. I really don't want him to worry about me.”Is there a problem?” Troy asked. He has caught my fidgeting. He really does know me well.”Well... Adrian just had one condition before partnering with the company.” I said. ”It's that I would be the OIC and will be working closely with him in deals, businesses and other stuff.Troy stopped moving his hands. He set his spoon and fork down and looked at me intently.”Jill I'm going to be honest. I don't like Adrian getting close to you.” Troy's eyes were cold. This is the first time I see him like this. I felt a chill in my spine.”I know Troy. Shawn has explained to me about him having dealings in the underground world.” I said.”If you know the things he does in the underground I am sure you will be very frightened to even see him.” Troy said coldly.I looked at Troy. He was different than my usual angel. I can feel the coldness radiating from him. I can't understand why but I am feeling a little frightened.”I u-understand.” I said.My voice broke in the middle of the sentence. Troy noticed this and his cold appearance has gone back to his gentleness.”I'm sorry love. Did I frighten you?” He reached for my hand and caressed it.”It's just that Adrian is dangerous. Being a business partner with him is a good thing for any business. But with him setting his eyes on you just puts me off. He is not an ordinary man, even I can't understand him after working with him some times.” Troy explained.”You've worked with him?” My curiosity peaked my interest.”Yes.” Troy nodded. ”Within the business industry it is inevitable to work with high class people. And with my position and business I often work with big and influential people.”My curiosity just peaked even more. I know that Troy is one of the most powerful men in the business world. Does he also have dealings with the underground world? Even Shawn has some connections then does Troy also have connections as well?”Do you want to ask something love?” Troy asked.”Umm, well I just thought if maybe you also have connections in the underground.” I asked. I didn't looked exactly in Troy's eyes. I was embarrassed to doubt Troy even just a little.Troy squeezed gently my hand that he was holding. ”My love, please look at me.”I slowly looked at Troy. He was wearing a sad looking face.”If I told you that I also have dealings in the underground world, would you despise me? Would you be frightened of me?” Troy asked.I thought of the words he said.'Would I despise him?' I can't see myself despising him. I love him so much.'Would I be frightened of him?' Maybe a little. But I know he would never do anything bad to me or my loved ones.”No.” I answered Troy truthfully. He sighed in relief.”If you want to know then I will tell you later.” Troy said. ”Let's finish eating first, okay?” He smiled gently at me.I nodded in agreement and continued to eat. Troy also resumed eating.I took a peek at Troy between my lashes. He has always been my angel. I can never despise him. Even if he had dealings in the underground world I would still accept him as who he is and love him like how he has accepted me in the past.I look at my angel. His features are carved in perfection. His emerald green eyes were shining under the fluorescent lights. His light brown hair was styled back.Troy looked at me and smiled. He got a table napkin and reached out for my face to wipe the side of my lips. I blushed with shyness. My heart was thumping inside my chest with affection.I love this man. He is the father of my child. Even if he becomes a different kind of angel, I know he would always take care of me and our child. I am sure I will still love him from the bottom of my heart.