131 Hold on (1/1)

”Julia! Julia!” I cried. I approached the cliff carefully.My head is getting dizzy. It's look like my phobia is acting up again. I was about to turn away to call for help when I saw a hand holding by the vines along the cliff.”Julia? Julia?!” I looked and saw that she was hanging for her life. ”Hold on I'm calling for help.””Heh call for help?” Julia asked sarcastically. ”Isn't this what you wanted. My mother died and now I'll be dead as well.””No, Julia. I never wanted you to pay for your lives.” I said. ”All I wanted was to take back what you stole from me. Maybe I have done things that weren't good too. But I never wanted to take your life or your mother's.” I said truthfully.”Heh, you're lying.” Julia said.”If you don't want to believe me that's fine but I won't let you die.” I said with conviction. ”I have been there. Under that cold freezing water. I never wished anyone to experience that. Even to my worst enemies.”The vines are starting to get loose. Julia was slipping down little by little.”No!” I yelled. I tried to pull the vine that Julia was holding.”Hold on okay.” I said. ”Help! Someone, please help!” I yelled. I was still holding on the vines.Julia looked at me with surprise. Then her face smoothen out with a smile.”Sister you are really too kind for your own good.” Julia said. ”I wish that we didn't met like this.””What?!” I asked curious.”If we met like normal step siblings would have. I could have liked you. Heck I could have loved you as a little sister.” Julia said. Tears are flowing down her face.”You're right. If mother didn't made me this way maybe we could have been like normal siblings.” Julia said. ”I'm so sorry. So so sorry.””No, Julia. We can still make it work. We can still work things out.” I said begging her. ”Think of your baby. He or she will always be with you, would love you unconditionally.”Julia shook her head. ”I have made bad things Jill. I think I can't even forgive myself. Thank you Jill. At least I can go after telling you my apology?””Don't. You. Dare.” I said out loud. ”DON'T YOU DARE LET GO!””Goodbye my dear sister.” Julia said with a serene smile. Then she let go.”Nooo!” I yelled.But then someone from behind grabbed her before she fell. When I look it was Troy.”Troy.” I sighed with relief.”What happened here?” Troy asked while pulling Julia up.”She tried to commit suicide.” I told him. I hold onto the other thing for now. If Troy knew that Julia tried to take me with her as well I'm afraid he would toss her off the cliff himself.Troy has successfully brought Julia up.”How is she?” I asked.”It looks like she lost consciousness.” Troy said.I sighed in relief.”Jill, Troy!” Father was running. Brad was just beside him.”What happened?” Father asked.”Julia tried to commit suicide.” I said. ”Good thing she didn't fell off.”Troy gave Julia to Brad.”I'm going to call an ambulance.” Father said. ”Jill are you okay?””Yes daddy. I'm fine.” I said.Father and Brad walked away with Julia and go inside the mansion.”Are you okay?” Troy asked me. He placed the sweater on my shoulders.After Troy asked me my knees gave away at last.”Easy!” Troy was surprised and had caught me in time. ”There is more to Julia's suicide, isn't there?”I look at Troy's face. His emerald green eyes were looking at me with intensity. I can't seem to hide things from this man. He can read me in a heart beat. So I simply nodded.”I'll tell you everything inside.” I said.”Okay.” Troy picked me up in his arms.I felt at ease in Troy's arms. I can feel his warmth envelope my body. After feeling safe with him drowsiness engulfed me and I fell asleep.