132 Moved on (1/1)

I was woken up by the bright lights. I open my eyes lazily. I look to my surroundings and realized I was in my room here in the old mansion.The room was decorated for a little girl with pink motif. Stuffed toys are arranged carefully in one side and at the other is my big old doll house that still looks good after the many years have past.I was lying down in my old queen sized bed. I can imagine how big this bed was when I was small. I sit down slowly and felt dizziness in my head.”Easy now.” Troy said suddenly. He entered the room hurriedly to support me.”Troy.” I said softly. ”What happened?” I asked.”You fainted after what happened earlier.” Troy explained. ”The doctor has checked you and said you had been stressed out. She gave you an IV drop.”I look at my left wrist and there I see the IV tube was connected.”Are you still feeling dizzy?” Troy asked.I simply nodded. I can still feel my head spinning so I lean on Troy. He sat down on bed besides me.”You need to rest. The doctor said you are confined to bedrest for one week.” Troy said.”One week?!” I was surprised. ”But the work in the company?” I was worried about the work that will be left. There are still many things to do now that the company is starting to stand up again after the fall.”Don't worry about work. Andrea will be the one in charge for now. I'm sure she could handle it.” Troy said.I sighed. I know that Andrea is capable. But for the dealings with Adrian's company, he always want me to be the one in charge.”Jillian, I mean it.” Troy scolded me. ”I know that look. You're thinking of still working, right?”Troy called me by my whole first name. He really is seriously scolding me.”I understand. I will behave and have a bedrest for one week.” I sighed in surrender.”Good girl.” Troy smiled with affection. ”It's for you and our children's safety. Don't worry. I would take a week leave as well to take care of you.””Troy you don't need to. Nanny Sally can take care of me. You also have a company to run.” I said worriedly. I know how the work was in Troy's company after our 2-week honeymoon was over.”Don't worry love. I can work at home.” Troy kissed my forehead. ”So tell me about what happened to you and Julia.”I just remembered the ordeal just a while ago. I can't seem to hide the truth from Troy. I take a deep breath to ready myself.”Julia tried to jump over the cliff...” This Troy already knows. He looks at me with anticipation on the continuation of my sentence. ”She tried to jump over the cliff with me.”I look at Troy's expression. First was shock then realization and the last was rage. I can see the dark angel once again.”How dare she do this to you again.” Troy was clearly sheathing his anger. His emerald green eyes were burning with furry.I can see his hands clenched tightly into fists. I hold them gently.”Love, please calm down.” I said gently. ”Let me explain.”Troy loosen his grip a little but I can still see the rage in his eyes.”She was in her last straw. She thought she is all alone now. No one is by her side to support her.” I said with a sad voice. ”I was also like that Troy. I have been there. And I can feel her pain.”The dark angel in front of me softened and I saw my angel appear. Troy looks at me with sad eyes.”That was what I felt before I met you.” I lifted my hand and touched Troy's cheek. ”You gave me another meaning to live. You gave me love that I have once lost. And because of that I have moved on.”Troy's perfect lips curved up into a smile. He touched my hand on his cheek and held it affectionately. His emerald green eyes that contained rage a while ago softened and now filled with love.